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since Oct 04, 2005
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Recent posts by Dennis


Is there anybody experienced with struts on apache and tomcat combination.

I've two webservers, apache on port 80 and tomcat on port 8080.

I used apache for every web app on my site including php.

also i used tomcat for java web app for background process.

Normally it is working very well. it means all of my java web app (jsp and servlet) on apache.

But I can't call my struts from my apache server.

Could you please help me?

Thanks in advanced

16 years ago
hi all,

i have some problem with reporting with crystal report.
if anyone know the steps to join java swing and crystal report, pls
explain will very useful for my project.

19 years ago
hi all,

now i face with some problem in java for reporting.
in my case, i used seagate crytal report 7.
for application side i used java swing technology.
and DB is MSSQL 2000.

pls give me some suggestions about the reporting tools in java.

thanks all
19 years ago
sorry Srikanth

the real exam includes check box ,radio button and "fill in the text" style questions

sorry for my wrong suggestion


aung mon chit htwe
i didn't hear about fill in the blank question on SCJP.
there're only multiple choice question.
here is some useful example for u.

you got '0' after executing b coz yr coding is post increment that is
a=b++;// that is assign value b to a before increment.
now a==0,b==1;

a=++b;// that is assign value b to a after increment.
so now, a==1 and b==1;

NOTE : the unary operation is perform on binary.
that is b++; is operation on binary
and b=b+1; is operation on integer.