kaushik banerjee

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 11, 2001
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Recent posts by kaushik banerjee

hi ,
there is no roundup game at the appliedreasoning site. Its at the javaranch .appliedreasoning has a good testing applet which is a must give.u can find the links www.levteck.com & at Maha anna's page.
jq+ is IE of SCJP & jwhiz netscape
I agree with Sandeep that the accessibility of main is not imp in this case. The simple reason as Sandeep stated accessibility features are access by & within classes. main is designed to be static function that is called by the jvm when the appropraite source file is run.ie the class with the same name as the file.So accessibility is of no consequence.However consider a public subclass with no main & a superclass with a private main & it will be amply clear why sun desires that main should be public.
Hi donny,
4 an exhaustive list check out the jls. Though the tone is a bit heavy with a little effort u'll grind through.
u're bang on target . finalize() can be overlaoded but the one with the original signature will be called.
protected void finalize() throes Throwable
Hi ankush,

if u've khalid concentrate on it . Pay heed 2 the mistakes u've committed in the mocks. Don't try 2 mug up the sdk. Its of no use.
Best of luck.
Hi ,
I can't still find an OCP related site. Pls hlp me.
Hi donny,
U�r program is a classic example of not only method overriding but also method overloading & polymorphism. So u must have the concept of late binding & dynamic lookup clear b4 u can clearly understand the output. I will give u the output & the reason
1. hello call prints :- hello from A
2. hello call prints :- hello from A why me
These two are for method overriding where the method with the most conformable signature is called,ie the 1st & 3rd hello of A
3. obj3 though of variable type A is actually a B object . So the hello of B is called . Since B has an appropriate hello method ,it prints hello from B
4. Similary obj4 being a C object which has the apt hello method it prints :- hello from C eat me C
5. obj5 is a C object. But C has no hello(). There4 it searches in the immediate superclass B 4 hello() & finds it. So it prints hello from B
The others can be explained similarly
Hope I am clear.
Thx Jimmy . U've been of great help .
Cindy :- I fully endorse u'r opinion. But sometimes u must back u'r lesser potential brothers(Oracle help sites) . Still better if u can start an OCP forum in u'r site (U know Oracle & Sun are great friends & offer many joint certifications)
Hi ray,
i want 2 know the same thing . Can u pls tell me who this allah is . By the way how much did he get for the sjp exam . also has he passed the developer & architect tracks too ?
Another thing Afsah lot of people b4 u'r sir have maxed this exam . Lots of IIT ians have done it way back in 1997-98

23 years ago
Hi ray,
i want 2 know the same thing . Can u pls tell me who this allah is . By the way how much did he get for the sjp exam . also has he passed the developer & architect tracks too ?
Another thing Afsah lot of people b4 u'r sir have maxed this exam . Lots of IIT ians have done it way back in 1997-98

23 years ago
It is because of javaranch I had cleared the SJP exam with a score of 96. At present I am preparing for the OCP exams(ORACLE CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL). Can anybody name a site similar to javaranch that helps in preparation for the OCP exams.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best of luck for the exam.
I am sorry . This applet can only be run online . Lot of people have tried b4 u & failed . But do give the exam. Its one of the imp ones
It feels nice 2 be back at the ranch after a long interval following my clearing of the exam.
The answers are very much there. I am sure u'll get them if u search a bit more.
Sorry dave. My advice did not seem 2 have worked. Thx 4 the wonderful thing u are trying 2 do . Its a gr8 idea. I hope u get more support
23 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
Its great 2 hear some heady praise from u people. Not many back home . Thx 4 u�r best wishes. I am sorry I have been a bit late replying but believe me I am neck deep in books trying hard 2 clear the backlog b4 my engg exams kick off on 7th .
Steve:- Man I am way behind schedule from the date I had fixed 4 myself 4 the exam(behind by 5 weeks). That�s because I had 2 juggle 2 totally alienated subjects with equal vigour:-my electrical engg course & the scjp exam studies & if u add 2.5 hrs of regular commuting through Calcutta traffic u can sure picturise hell . I am glad though I pulled through but I will rue the fact that I missed maxing it. Its great 2 know that u remembered me . In fact it should have been the other way around . I will send u a personal mail as soon as I can squeeze some time 2 type something worthwhile. Pls bear with me. In fact I have come 2 like u�r e-identity & was thinking of mailing u.
Shailesh: - I am pursuing my B.E. in Electrical engg from Jadavpur University , Calcutta . I will definitely hang around in the ranch but after a few days. It will ensure that I don�t loose my touch. The chances of which are high because I don/t have an opportunity 2 code Java proffessionally or academically as a part of the course.
Jane:- Pls do something about u�r notes.I mean the publicity & server bit . don�t let such a fine effort go down the drain
Anjali:- yeah u are correct. Cal 2 can be a part of the global Java map. I have heard about u from ratul . In fact both of us studied together . He 2 has cleared.
Hima:- u'r score definitely went a long way in inspiring me.
Bye 4 now .

23 years ago