Mouli Velu

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since Oct 06, 2005
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Recent posts by Mouli Velu

I want to learn struts portlet from the basic.
Can anybody give me the link where I can find the turorial with
code samples.
19 years ago
I'm using Wqebsphere portal server 5.1.
Please give me a sample portlet develped in JSR 168 with deployment descriptors.
Pardon me for asking this basic help.
19 years ago
Could anybody explain me what is the REQUESTED mode in the portlet.
This is the mode set in PortletURI.

But I want to know some more details and the place where it is used also.
19 years ago
This is for passing string messages from one portlet to another.

public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event) throws PortletException {

PortletMessage message = event.getMessage();

if (message instanceof DefaultPortletMessage) {
String msgText = ((DefaultPortletMessage) message).getMessage();
event.getRequest().setAttribute("IsAnyMessage", msgText);
System.out.println("Inside MessageReceived, message = " + msgText);}

you can more details from the link below:
19 years ago
PortletSession extends the HttpServletSession.
The PortletSession object is different for each portlet.
PortletSession of one portlet cannot be accessed by another portlet.
19 years ago
you can pass the string message to the portlets in any of the portlet application. You can use DefaultPortletMessage interface for this.

But messages other than string can be passed to the same portlet application only. you can make use of PortletMessage interface for this.
I have done this in IBM Portlet API.
19 years ago
Its a pleasure to have the discussion about portals and portlets.
I'm really happy to see this forum.
19 years ago
The major difference is the IBM portlet API lets you define an abstract portlet application and using this via concrete portlet applications.
In JSR 168 API, there is no concept for concrete portlet application.
But JSR 168 API is independent across platforms.

You can choose any of the API as per your requirements.
19 years ago
If you display the portlet in solo mode, the toolbar will be hidden.
But only you can do this in themes.
19 years ago
Can any body give the mock exams for WPS5.1?

Also tell me about the exam fee and the total time for the exam.

thanks in advance

19 years ago
Can any body give the mock exams for WPS5.1?

Also tell me about the exam fee and the total time for the exam.

thanks in advance

Why should we have the marker interfaces?
For example, we have 'Serializable' interface.
The object will be serialized only if the class is implementing serializable.
Why they have implemented in such a way that all the objects are not serializable.
Please give me an answer.
19 years ago