Ishan Bhatt

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since Oct 09, 2005
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Recent posts by Ishan Bhatt

Congratulations Jibu!

Please share with us any tips you have or material you would recommend reading/referring to.

Thank you,
Clearing SCBCD before going for SCEA definitely helps. No need for SCDJWS.

All the Best!
What is the difference between load sharing and load balancing?

I read about these terms in one of the common architecture notes and I'm confused.

Thank you,
Hi John,

Thank you for the clarification.

I was going through the ePractizeLabs simulator yesterday and I found the core J2EE patterns also included in the questions. So, I thought I'd rather clarify with you guys.

Thank you,
Does the part 1 exam also test/require knowledge of the core J2EE patterns in addition to the 23 design patterns by Gamma et al?

Thank you,
[ March 29, 2007: Message edited by: Ishan Bhatt ]
How can we put some text in an image file using Java?
I have a String and I want to put this String in an image file (.gif, .bmp, .jpg or any other).
Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
18 years ago
The difference is in their name itself.

forward will forward the request to the new servlet/jsp.
Any out.println() statements in the servlet from where you call the forward method would not be of any use. You can't even call response.getWriter() method in this case. You can only do that in the servlet to which the control has been forwaded.

include will process the included servlet/jsp and any out.println()/html stuff will be included, and then control will come back to the servlet/jsp that called include method.
19 years ago
No difference.
Overriding is redefining a method previously implemented in a parent class to change its behavior.
19 years ago
If you comment the overridden method it means that you are not overridding.
So, obviously it will call the method in the super class. And for the super class "d" means "super".
Hence the o/p.
Java is pass-by-value.

For primitives like int, you pass a copy of the actual value.

For references to objects like v1 (Vector v1 = new Vector()), you pass a copy of the reference (the remote control).

The campfire story "Pass-by-Value Please" should be more helpful in explaining this.
19 years ago
I see that the link "Programmer Certification Study FAQ" has not been update for quite a long time.
It would be of great help to all of us if this link gives us some information about the new exam (SCJP 1.5).