aryan Sharma

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since Oct 10, 2005
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I have a TCP/IP based component which is communicating with a c++ based system. In fact it is reading raw bytes from that system and then marshaling those raw bytes in objects and storing it in the DB. This multi-threaded tcp/ip based component is in java and cold be deployed on a dual core or quad core processor (not sure if its important for my question but nevertheless a detail i am giving). Now i have a few questions:

1. How can i scale this tcp/ip based component. This component is deployed on an server and is listening on a port. In future if there's more data that is envisaged at this point that comes from the C++ system we should be able to scale this java component.

2. What about security. One thing which i can probably do is employ this communication on secure sockets or probably get encrypted data (any particular encryption that i could use here??). Any other way to take care of security?

3. There is also a requirement of high availability to be satisfied. How do i handle that? How could i possible have redundancy here?

Yes, we are working on the system architecture of a product and therefore, i was wondering if some experienced architect or designer could help me please
13 years ago
I have a question, my clients want to create a web based enterprise system which would be fairly large and would have around a million users online at any given time. the client is leaning towards php as the presentation layer with the business/service/dao layer in java. this system needs to be deployed on the cloud. could someone outline the broad architecture. I am new to cloud computing and php too. I want to understand how would the php layer invoke my java services? how do i take care of sclability of my application and trasaction support for the different use cases? Also, could i use the DB on the cloud and which one would you guys recommend? Can anyone tell me How do I deploy the system on the cloud.

Another issue is that I am not sure why client is leaning towards PHP for web interface. Our website would be highly interactive and will have lots of users, so he believes that since stuff like facebook, photobucket and yahoo uses PHP his website should also be based on PHP. Also, i guess there are not too many popular alternatives that i can showcase that was developed in Java interface (probably linkedin and ebay is).. can anyone tell me if using PHP instead of java based web framework would be a good choice for presentation layer?
13 years ago
i would be doing some operation with my DB. now mine is a JEE application and am using JPA. when i am dealing with my DB (or data), its quite possible that some other legacy application might also be manipulating the same data, since there are quite a few appliations accessing the same DB. Now i do not want the other application to access my data when i am dealing with it. How could i achieve this exclusive access so that no other application can possible corrupt my data.
i do not think its going to work. think about it... lets say from the web interface for a particular contact the user changes the first name and after that from the handheld device the user changes the first name of this as per the timestamp i would be overriding the Data of the Web DB with that of my handheld DB since according to the timestamp handheld DB has the latest changes, but actually its incorrect since in this case i would loose the first name change that i did from the web interface.. right? thats why i was saying that we might need to have timestamp for every field and this dosent sound like a good logic... what do you think ?
but then would we create a timestamp for every field.. would that be too much of data.... cant we optimize this step ?
ok and once i get the changes that were done in the two DBs... how do i compare them.. how would i come to know which should be the latest changes and thus should overwrite the other changes done in the other DB..
i think we are deviating from the point here.. my problem is that how do i identify what all records and attributes have changed...
thats precisely my question. how would you 'sync' the two DBs would you check what all attributes are changed/added/deleted etc..
JTP and all is fine actually the question is how exactly to achieve it. how do design this sync process. as for the other question handhedl device will only read its own DB and web its own... and yes, they need to be consistent right... i mean otherwise it would not serve any purpose
yes there's some reason which i would not like to go into but any ideas as to how to do this sync job ?
i have an application which maintains contacts. now contact management can be done through web which has a different database or can be done through a handheld device which again has a different database. now though semantically both DBs are same but they are different DB servers (and we cannot have one DB for both the interfaces for some reason). now i have to design an application which would sync both the DBs. How should i go about it. it obviously needs to merge, add, and even delete contacts. i mean in case from web you edit a contact but from the handheld you delete that same contact it has to handle such scenarious. can someone give any indicators... i thought that when the sync application is run i could create a snapshow of both the DBs and compare them and update both synchronously. but in this case what happens if the DB is changed while this sync job is running... also i am confused as to how i would 'compare' the DB snapshots....
Can an advanced user of seam framework tell me what are the advantages of using seam. Basically i want to know why should one opt for Seam framework. I know it complements JSF pretty well, but in what ways... e.g. one thing i noticed is that it gives an extended EL syntax than what basic JSF gives... what else?? also it allows you to use your EJB as a backing bean... but is that a good thing? it blurs the design paradigm a bit... isnt it so... i mean calling ejb directly from view...doesnt sound good.. so in a nutshell i would like to understand when exactly to use Seam framework...?
14 years ago
Can an advanced user of seam framework tell me what are the advantages of using seam. Basically i want to know why should one opt for Seam framework. I know it complements JSF pretty well, but in what ways... e.g. one thing i noticed is that it gives an extended EL syntax than what basic JSF gives... what else?? also it allows you to use your EJB as a backing bean... but is that a good thing? it blurs the design paradigm a bit... isnt it so... i mean calling ejb directly from view...doesnt sound good.. so in a nutshell i would like to understand when exactly to use Seam framework...?