Shipra Verma

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 11, 2005
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Recent posts by Shipra Verma

Seems like IT is not the right industry for you . Quit your Job . Do mba from top b-school and get into other industry .

Originally posted by kunal sawarkar:

I am working in It industry. After completing my graduation from one of the REC , i joined India's premier IT company. But soon I was fed up with quality of work env, lack of recognition , lack of mutual respect , work like ass etc. Mind you this is company whose shares in stock market are considered best .


17 years ago
expect 60-100$ rate for client billing .
17 years ago
are you taking a cruise or flying to island. i recommend you take a cruise ( in your head )

Originally posted by paul wheaton:
Not doing it in reality. Just doing it in my head.

17 years ago
It is just another Bill Gates gimmick . Why are other companies like sun ,oracle or Google not taking similar steps if there is lack of skilled pros.
17 years ago
this is really cool blog post. i have seen many examples of a***ole driven development
17 years ago
go through your appointment letter !!!
17 years ago
IT job market is more dependent on demand and supply equation and less on h1b candidates . If you know what you are doing then anytime is a good time to get the job .
17 years ago
15 lakh to survive !!! you can survive in bangalore city for 2-3 lakh .
17 years ago
Not Compete agreement make sense for IT consulting companies as Clients are bread and butter for them .
17 years ago
i got this from an article on monster .

Ask yourself all these before you are ready to pack up and go....

Are you unhappy with your current job, or are you seriously concerned for your (company's) future?? This is keeping in mind that you have successfully aligned your future with that of the present company.
Have you hit the 'plateau' in the company and the next 'hill' is faraway? (You have evovled so fast that you need new gene pool for getting mutated or you will be a fossil gene soon)
Are you looking forward to Monday? Or it makes you sick to be underutilized or go un-noticed??
Is your current resume attracting more attention from recruiters for more meaningful role and position? ?
Is the work culture at your company making you feel 'happy' or 'crappy'? ?
Are you getting what you deserve or you are overpaid?? (In either case, change may be necessary for justifying your poor soul)
Are you ready to give the old job a chance ?
17 years ago
tech unemployment is close to 2.4% which almost equivalent to being zero
17 years ago
Google hiring h-1b ?
17 years ago
expect 30% more .
17 years ago