Agapios Hartzoulakis

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since Oct 13, 2005
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Recent posts by Agapios Hartzoulakis

I'm trying to figure out the best approach for the use of ActionListener. Is it better to have it in the GUI class as an inner class or in a separate file?
For example if we have a GUI with many menuitems, implementing the ActionListener as an inner class will lead us to a very big and complicated file (although it is easier to control the gui objects (menus, textfields etc) this way). Is it possible to impmement it as a class in a separate file and how must i declare the variables?( public, private, static etc)
Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hi, I have a question about the previous answer.
Is the swingworker a thread or it there are any differences?
In the previous example is the swingworker class more appropriate than a single thread and why?
P.S.:I have to admit that I haven't take a look at the swingworker class, I'm just try to identify if I have to do it
[ January 13, 2006: Message edited by: hartzoua hartzoua ]
19 years ago
Thanks all,
I got the answer I wanted
Although, I guess that if you do so it would be difficult to remove the plug-in if you don't want it any more! The features and the plugin folders will be like a basket full of files. I was more interested in a way that the various plugins would be in separated folders. Anyway this is better than nothing!
I' m new in Eclipse 3.1 (till now I used NetBeans) and I 'm trying to find a way to install the Visual Editor plugin. I didn't manage to been helped by the official site neither by any thread that I read so far. Could someone explain the process (I think it shall be the same for every plug-in)?
Thanks in advance.
This is a quite common question but I haven't managed to find an answer to it. How can I make a JInternalFrame to have the behavior of Windows XP for example? That is, if it is maximized, the minimize/maximize/close buttons are been shown in the main frame (menubar to be more spesific) and the title bar is been dissapeared.
Is there any piece of code which does it? Otherwise could you just give me an idea where to start searching for it?
Thanks in advance
19 years ago
At last I found my error by reading some other topics. Thanks anyway
19 years ago
Sorry if I wasn't quite clear.I didn't mean to make you forget what you already know!
Well, I'm using a class gor the glassPane that I found in another site and it works just fine for me except from the detail with the image.
The class is:

in the constructor of the main frame

I guess I have to change the paint method so that my image to be shown (the image is in the same folder as the rest of the .java files)
I hope to be more clear this time.
Thanks in advance
19 years ago
Here is my problem. I've made a glassPane extending JPanel which overrides a JFrame and blocks all the key/mouse events. What I want to do is to set an image to be displayed in the glassPane while it is visible. I've tried all the other components(JTextField, JLabel etc) and are been displayed just fine expept one. Guess what! The one that I want to use , an image! So my question is: Is something special with the image? How can I implement what I want?
Thanks a lot
19 years ago
Thanks a lot. I could not expect anything more useful.
19 years ago
Could you give me a simple example of this?
19 years ago
Hi, here is my problem.
I'va made an application which reads a big amount of .txt files. This task takes a few minutes. The problem is that until this task is accomplished the application tottaly "freezes". Is there a way to avoid it?

The code goes like this:

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
I didn't explain my question well. I mean that a password is required from the system (Windows) to let me access the files in the remote system. Thanks
19 years ago
Could i add a question to the above subject?
What if i don't have full permission on the given remote path? What change must be done?
19 years ago
Sorry, I hadn't read that rule.
About the problem: I'va made a mistake. I'm trying to access files in an intranet (not a localnet as i wrote by mistake).
There are some p/cs in a building and some others in another. All the p/cs run Windows XP.
I want to make an application to access the files of every p/c in the intranet. I can do it with the search option of Windows just by searching for example (\\192\168\c:\...).
Some of the p/cs require a password so i just type in when Windows ask for it in the prompt box.
Now in my application:
I'm using a FileChooser and i'm entering the IP address in the "File name " box. When no password is required i can see the files of the directory that I want.
But when password is required nothing happens. I guess it will be a way so that to be prompted for the password ang simply get in. I copy->paste below some of my codes
to help you understand what I'm looking for.

fc=new JFileChooser();

(in ActionPerformed method)
fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(path)); //where path is the IP address that I want to access

I later use a FileReader and a BufferReader to read the files in the directory of the remote p/c

Hope to help you understand. Any advice will be much appreciated.
19 years ago