Kishore Chintalpati

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since Oct 14, 2005
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Recent posts by Kishore Chintalpati

Im trying to execute a stored procedure that would return me an XMLBean. During this process, the database control returns me an XMLBean, but doesnt map the XML attributes if any contained in the XSD. All data is mapped to the elements only. Kindly let me if anyone knows how to resolve this to map to the attributes.

18 years ago
Can anyone provide me an example implementation of Synchronized Token pattern using weblogic Java Page Flows.

18 years ago
I am using a WLI 8.5 database control to call a Stored Procedure that accepts a parameter of type object and returns an Object.
Though i have used the same code which has been posted some weeks back Im unable to map the java type(java.sql.STRUCT) with an equivalent SQL Type. It throws me an exception while conversion.
I would appreciate if anyone would share the solution.

Snippet Java code
SQLParameter[] params = new SQLParameter[2];
Object[] recType=new Object[2];
recType[0]=new String("Krishna");
recType[1] = new String("Kishore");
// Now Declare a descriptor to associate the host object type with the
// record type in the database.

StructDescriptor desc1=StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("RECTYPE",dbCtrl.getConnection());

// Now create the STRUCT objects to associate the host objects
// with the database records.
STRUCT p1struct = new STRUCT(desc1,dbCtrl.getConnection(),recType);
STRUCT p2struct=null;
params[0] = new SQLParameter(p1struct, Types.STRUCT, SQLParameter.INOUT);
params[1] = new SQLParameter(p2struct, Types.STRUCT, SQLParameter.OUT);
catch(SQLException sqlEx)

Oracle Procedure

create or replace type rectype as object(col1 varchar2(10),col2 varchar2(10));

create or replace package ioStruct as

procedure testproc(iorec in out rectype,orec out rectype);

end ioStruct;

create or replace package body ioStruct as

procedure testproc(iorec in out rectype,orec out rectype) is
orec := iorec;
iorec.col1 := orec.col2;
iorec.col2 := orec.col1;
end testproc;
end ioStruct;

18 years ago
I am using a weblogic database control to call a Stored Procedure that accepts a parameter of type object and returns an Object.
Im unable to map the java type(java.sql.STRUCT) with an equivalent SQL Type. It throws me an exception while conversion.
I would appreciate if anyone would share the solution.

18 years ago
I have a requirement in which i need to append the transaction number and the result of operation to the SOAP Header whenever there is a SOAP Fault. Im able to generate a SOAPFault, for every application exception arised. But Im unable to to Manipulate the SOAPMessage to add header. I would appreciate if someone who has encountered the similar situation would share their valuable solution.

18 years ago

In case there is a database failure in CMP entity bean, or the database is down for sometime and a transaction is made by a user, then it should log that the database was down for some �X� reason in a flat file. But in CMP there is a problem that it always abstracts the Database failure issues. Suppose a transaction is made, then the session bean tries to call the finder methods or create method on entity bean � Which simply in CMP throw a FinderException or CreateException and not the SQLException, (But its possible in BMP where we manually establish the database connection by writing the JDBC code) bcos SQL related issues are handled internally by the server� I would appreciate if anyone could let me know the possible errors in case of a database connectivity problem. Also, how should one catch those errors.

Hi All,
I have a doubt regarding the use of AES cryptography algorithm. Can a standard Java program be used for encrypting the XML elements or do we need to use APACHE's Security Framework for encryption.

Thanks and Kind Regards,
19 years ago
Hi All,

I am asked to find the table structure and the datatype for storing a digital certificate in a MS-SQL Server. I would appreciate if anyone could help me out.

Thanks and Kind Regards
19 years ago
I have a requirement as to get the last record of a database table whose primary key is an identity field. I would appreciate if anyone can help me out in providing the EJB-QL query so that i can write a suitable finder method.
[ October 14, 2005: Message edited by: Kishore Chintalpati ]