Raj Menon

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since Oct 18, 2005
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Recent posts by Raj Menon

Thanks Dan.

I think the article you mentioned did not talk about any network/firewall hops.
It is saying that from server to server it is encrypted and the moment it hits the server whether it be a proxy server or real back end server, it'll be decrypted - With this i don't have any problem because our internal network is secured and i don't worry about that.

My question revolves around the network/firewall hops via internet.
Suppose if we tracert to any public HTTPS web service url, it goes via different hops of internet provider. So does HTTPS keeps the data encrypted all along those hops or it creates a session from one hop to second hop, creates another session from second hop to third hop thus exposing the unencrypted data at those hops.

Hope i'm clear in my question.
14 years ago

While i've been implementing web services, with regard to security - I've a dilemma between WS-Security and HTTPS(SSL with PKI).
I know that HTPPS provides point-point security and if we've any intermediaries it'll expose the data at those points. But in our case we don't have any intermediaries.
My question here is whether HTTPS provides security if the data is flowing through different firewalls and hops via internet. Is it creates a new session between each hop thus exposing the data at those points? What is a point-point mean,is it between different hops?

If it doesn't provide then we'll go to WS-Security other wise we just don't want to add any overhead to our clients to use WS-Sec.

Please let me know your thoughts.

14 years ago

I'm getting this Exception when passing a Class which has an abstract class as an instance property.
Plese see the Exception , class definitions and how i'm invoking the EJBs as shown below.

Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: Unable to read value from underlying bridge : C vmcid: IBM minor code: 897 completed: No
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.CDRInputStream.read_value(CDRInputStream.java:1598)
at com.ibm.rmi.util.ProxyUtil.copyObjects(ProxyUtil.java:238)
Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationError: C
at sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor200.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:521)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.allocateNewObject(IIOPInputStream.java:2282)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.allocateNewObject(IIOPInputStream.java:2262)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.allocateNewSerializableObject(IIOPInputStream.java:2209)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.readSerializable(IIOPInputStream.java:1032)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.simpleReadObjectInternal(IIOPInputStream.java:326)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.simpleReadObjectLoop(IIOPInputStream.java:403)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.IIOPInputStream.simpleReadObject(IIOPInputStream.java:357)
at com.ibm.rmi.io.ValueHandlerImpl.readValue(ValueHandlerImpl.java:201)
at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.CDRInputStream.read_value(CDRInputStream.java:1564)
... 30 more

I'm setting the properties and calling the remote method like below.

the test method signature in EJB is like below

I'm unable to figure out what actually the problem is,please help to resolve this
Thanks to EveryBody

Hi Chen,

I still no courage to pass SCWCD because my English is not good

Don't worry too much about that-The test is neither about your vocabulary nor about your communication skills.
If you are able to read that HFSJ without any problem- I think you can manage the test as well.All the Best

Hi Amolpalekar,

May i know procedure or technique you follow to study for the exam.How many hours you have devoted per day.Have you tried all the example in the book practically?

Whatever the technique or procedure i've followed i clearly explained in my post.Please go through it again.
Comes to the practice of those examples - Actually i've been working on them for a long time.So i didn't practise them.
But i suggest all the beginners to practise them..
Hi All,

I passed the exam with 91%

I thank each and everyone who is helping others by participating in this forum

I would like to share my experiences with all of you hoping they will
help those who are going to attend the exam.

My preparation is done completely with HFSJ only.
Thanks to the authors who have given such a wonderful
certification oriented book.

And also i gone through this thread
Dynamic Attributes
which is not covered in HFSJ but will surely come in the exam.

Thanks to Christophe Verre who suggested me this link before going to the exam.

Apart from the above i didn't go through any other books.

I feel that HFSJ is more than enough(Don't think that i'm marketing this book.But it is really nice book,i never bored while reading this book)

Comes to howmany days of preparation is required-
It purely depends on how fast you read HFSJ and how sincerly you follow the instructions given in that book.
And never go to the next chapter until you get the clear understanding of the previous chapter and got through the Coffe Cram exam with more than 80%.

I feel that couple of complete readings of that book is required and enough.

When you feel that preparation is enough then you attempt the Mock exam
given in that book.(Take that exam only once but very seriously).

Don't worry too much about the % you get in that exam
(But i feel minimum of 60% is better)
I also got 60% only.(Anyway i take this exam very confidantly but with
over speed and finised the exam in just 1 hour - Because of which i ended up with only 60%)

And also i tried some free mock exams whose links are given in this forum.
I feel Jdiscuss.com mock exams are good and challenging.
So try alteast these if you don't have time to go through all.

And finally go through the API before you attend the real exam which is very important because few questions will test your knowledge on the API

Don't forget to go through this forum during any phase of your preparation.Try to clear others' doubts as well as post yours' - It'll help you to understand the concepts very well.

Come to the real exam -
Don't tense yourself with any of the questions even though
how difficult or how lengthy they are. - In fact none of the questions you
get in the exam are very difficult.
All of them are Difficult to Very Easy range.

You have 2 minutes of time roughly for every question.
So spend as much time as you can until you get the answer first time itself.If you still have doubt about that - Mark it to review later.

You get few questions which you can answer in just tens of seconds.
I completed my exam with 1 hour to spare.
So never worry about the time

That's the end of the story folks
Hope it'll help atleast a few.
All the Best to all the Certification aspirants

Thanks again..
[ August 13, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
Thanks Promod for clarifying the doubt
Hi Michael,

I also have done the same thing you did.
Made all corrections in the book from errata before i started reading the book.But as i already mentioned i missed that particular point.

Thanks for your wishes,
Hi Kushal,

I mistakenly put it as
<jsp:setProperty ... /> (I've edited my first post now)
but actually it is
<jsp:getProperty .../>.

In this case what will be the result?

I thank each and every one who responded so well with their explanations.
I couldn't able to check this forum yesterday to post my opinion.

Any way tomorrow i'm taking this exam.
Hope i won't get this question in the exam.
If i get,i will go by the suggestion given by Srinivasan -
If both are present - I'll select both
If only either of the two exits - No Choice (Have to select that one)

I'll share my experiences once i'm done with the exam.

And finally going by all the practical tests and their explanations by every one regarding this Listener Bound/Unbound problem,
Shall we have to conclude that Different Containers provide different implementation to this Listener Bound/Unbound concept because of lack of clarity in the Spec?

[ August 10, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
[ August 10, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
Hi Michael,

The above point is specified in the errata. i.e.
<role-name> should be placed in b/w <auth-constraint> tags.

Actually i checked the errata earlier also but some how i missed this point.

Thanks Michael..

[ August 08, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
[ August 08, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
Thanks Srinivasan,

I also expected that it works in the same way that you explained.
But in the book the answer is given as

Thanks Srinivasan,

In the HFSJ book mock exam 43rd question -

"<auth-constraint>*<auth-constraint>" is also given as the correct answer to give access to everybody.

That's why i got the doubt.

Any way Thanks again
Hi everybody,

A bean class is defined as below

public class BeanX{

public BeanX(){
public String getAll(){
return something;


No private variable is defined and also any setter method.

Can we call that method in the JSP like below?

<jsp:useBean id="x" class="BeanX"/>
<jsp:getProperty name="x" property="all"/>

Thanks in Advance..

[ August 08, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
[ August 10, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]
Thank you Srinivasan,

That means by calling the setHeader method, we are erasing all the values if any exists with that Header name and a new value will be saved for that Header name,right?