Hi All,
I passed the exam with 91%
I thank each and everyone who is helping others by participating in this forum
I would like to share my experiences with all of you hoping they will
help those who are going to attend the exam.
My preparation is done completely with HFSJ only.
Thanks to the authors who have given such a wonderful
certification oriented book.
And also i gone through this thread
Dynamic Attributes which is not covered in HFSJ but will surely come in the exam.
Thanks to
Christophe Verre who suggested me this link before going to the exam.
Apart from the above i didn't go through any other books.
I feel that HFSJ is more than enough(Don't think that i'm marketing this book.But it is really nice book,i never bored while reading this book)
Comes to howmany days of preparation is required-
It purely depends on how fast you read HFSJ and how sincerly you follow the instructions given in that book.
And never go to the next chapter until you get the clear understanding of the previous chapter and got through the Coffe Cram exam with more than 80%.
I feel that couple of complete readings of that book is required and enough.
When you feel that preparation is enough then you attempt the Mock exam
given in that book.(Take that exam only once but very seriously).
Don't worry too much about the % you get in that exam
(But i feel minimum of 60% is better)
I also got 60% only.(Anyway i take this exam very confidantly but with
over speed and finised the exam in just 1 hour - Because of which i ended up with only 60%)
And also i tried some free mock exams whose links are given in this forum.
I feel
Jdiscuss.com mock exams are good and challenging.
So try alteast these if you don't have time to go through all.
And finally go through the API before you attend the real exam which is very important because few questions will test your knowledge on the API
Don't forget to go through this forum during any phase of your preparation.Try to clear others' doubts as well as post yours' - It'll help you to understand the concepts very well.
Come to the real exam -
Don't tense yourself with any of the questions even though
how difficult or how lengthy they are. - In fact none of the questions you
get in the exam are very difficult.
All of them are Difficult to Very Easy range.
You have 2 minutes of time roughly for every question.
So spend as much time as you can until you get the answer first time itself.If you still have doubt about that - Mark it to review later.
You get few questions which you can answer in just tens of seconds.
I completed my exam with 1 hour to spare.
So never worry about the time That's the end of the story folks
Hope it'll help atleast a few.
All the Best to all the Certification aspirants
Thanks again..
[ August 13, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Kodali ]