thejaswini ramesh

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since Oct 19, 2005
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Recent posts by thejaswini ramesh


I need to set some ComboBox items to green color based on a condition check. Could someone please tell me whether there is some property to set the forground for the selectItem tag? How should I go about this?

I am new to JSF. Please suggest some good tutorials and what is the best way to learn and implement UI using JSF as fast as I can

Thanks in advance,
14 years ago
Thanks for the reply ,Ulf.

I am working on Windows Xp environment. I did'nt quite understand what you meant by :

some OS -like Unix- don't allow non-root processes to bind to ports under 1024

Can you please elaborate on that? What is the solution for this exception?
Hi All,

I need to communicate to a device through UDP connection on port 161. I have written a very small bit of code to first start communication. But Im getting a : Cannot assign requested address : Cannot Bind when I just create a DatagramSocket as below :

Can you please tell me how to establish the UDP connection or help me get rid of this exception?
Thanks Tim!
Your reply puts things in perspective
16 years ago
Hi All,

I am working with a Swing Application with around 5000 java files(already). There may be more with any new support we provide. I have been asked to try and reduce the number(like clubbling of wrapper classes or creating swing components directly on the renderer class rather than call a view panel from there).

My question is would that really help, because there would be some rework plus the classes would become less cohesive & tightly coupled. Isn't that against OO practice? Will reducing the number of files actually improve the performance in some way?

Thanks in advance!
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply!

Yes the file is compiled(apparently) since I dont get any errors. But there is no class file in that location(or anywhere else)

Could you please point me in the right direction?
16 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I work with java 1.4, but I wrote a very small program with enums and that could not be compiled with 1.4 so I compiled with 1.6. Then I tried run the class using java classname

But I got the following message :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: aa

I know this is some problem due to class path setting as both versions are installed on my system. I tried to fix this with java -classpath.aa , but this gives the following error:

Unrecognized option: -classpath.aa
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Please tell me how I can fix this so that I can test new java features with little code snippets.

16 years ago
Hi all,

I am working on a tool to transfer files remotely using FTP. I have used as the ftp library. Am having a problem with the put command. Problem is when I use the Put command from cmd line, it starts the transfer and the throws the error :

>Netout :Connection reset by peer
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted

Am trying to find the cause for this problem and hope to fix this because until am able to do file transfer manually(through command line), I won't be able to do it from my FTP application as we are following the same steps done in the manual transfer.

Any ideas why this error occurs?
Sorry If I have posted in the wrong forum.

Thanks Rob and Jim.
I have handled all exceptions and the possiblity of read() blocking now.
16 years ago
This could be a permission issue as i faced a similar problem while creating a file on vista. That is Windows Vista expects the user to "continue" or "cancel" the file operations.
16 years ago
Hi everyone,

I have to debug a problem where am doing a file transfer to a device connected serially. The problem is that when user unplugs the ethernet / serial connection cable, the progress bar freezes. Am not sure if this is because some exception is thrown or InputStream class's blocks when the cable is unplugged. Can someone tell me what might be the behaviour of method when cable is unplugged?

P.S: I do not have the device with me to debug this.

Thanks in advance,
16 years ago
Thanks Ulf!

My FTP server is actually a device and I have to upload new software to a particular card. Once the upload is done I need to restart the card with a command like quote boot for the new changes to be effective. This is the reason i need QUOTE. How can I do this?

Hi everyone,

I have used an FTP library from apache:

to do the file transfer. But I need to use the QUOTE command to do a reboot to the system after file transfer. I tried looking for a library which supported that, but did not find any. Can anyone suggest a library which supports the QUOTE command?

Thanks in advance,
Thanks Michael!!
It is working with CardLayout panel.
17 years ago
Thanks Michael!

But just changing the label may not help because I may have to add more items for employee(not necessarily JTextField, maybe JComboBoxes) which are not common to student category. Any other way I can do this?
17 years ago