mike cool

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since Oct 21, 2005
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Recent posts by mike cool

thx stu derby

but what will you do if your database on a server and many users will access it ?
i use derby with java but i have some Q:

1-how can i create new user in my database using sql query
2-what sql dialect derby uses, and where can i find some references (like ms sql book online)

hi all
i have a problem understanding the logic of using java with database

i use derby as a database

let say i have a customer , product; order;and orderline table

using java code ,i will create a client and then i will insert this client into the table

but now this client waht permissions i will give hime to all tables?

1-client can update his profile but not the id
2-he can order product, update his order, remove his order if it's not confirmed

how can i do this?

note : this is not school assignment , and i don't want the code i just want you guys to explain me the logic (what will do what)
i created a method that will create a file in spacific path ..
no i close the app and reopen it , now i want check if the file exists or not , i know there is a method in File class exists()-boolean but this method will not allow me to choose the path ?? coz i think it will check in the project path not the path that i creat the file to ....??
19 years ago
i have a non fixed size list of main catogeries and from each catogory i will have non fixed size list of items
what i need to use for this
LinkedList or ArrayList or Vactor , ..etc?
note this list will be wriiten to desk
19 years ago

double d1 = 5555.55;
double d2 = 1111.11;

if i subtract d2 from d1

double d3 = d1 - d2;

the result will be : Sub is: 4444.4400000000005 ;

how can i control the decimal amount for example i want have only 3
digits after the dot Sub is: 4444.440
but not using output format
i try bigDecimal , math class but i couldn't find the solution
any idea
19 years ago
what this tearDown() method does?
and also setUp() ?
19 years ago
i want to start using junit to test my methods or class
i download it and i add it to my eclipse project but i can't use it
i want to test this method
how can i do it
this method take array of element and round them to 2 elements
array is {5,6,7,8,9}
result will be
here is the method

and here is what i try in jUnit

note :
as you see i change the method to return only one int coz i don't know how to test array
that is why i post the original method
19 years ago
thanks that helps
i have other part that i can't solve
let say input will be 16485(short)
how can i converted to 3 decimal digits 0.170 ??
19 years ago
command line or swing or both
19 years ago
hi all
how can i force the user to enter limit input
the type is short
limit is 3 digit
so he can only enter 3 digit
thx in advance
19 years ago
hi all
can i compile my code in visual studio.net
i heard that i can use java code and other codes of onother language in one project is this true?
19 years ago
can you tell me how printf works and its character ex (%s %d %..etc)
and where is it in the api
is there any url refer to this ?
19 years ago
Guys i did every thing i can do ,, i'm in close way i can't no more think ,,,,,
i wrote the documintation i did step by step but it always end in the same place
pls any tips
19 years ago
thanks Layne
i will try
19 years ago