Daniel Dunleavy

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 13, 2001
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note: I am not sure exactly what you are asking and if my answer is fully correct.
Odbc has overhead and within it you must load the database driver within it. ODBC is a standard and the vendors are supposed to adhere to it, but this may not take advantage of all the databases features.
a native driver should be somewhat similar to the driver loaded into odbc but probably more effecient.
do not give update/insert/delete access for that table to IDs used to access the datebase
obviously it would be best to seperate the read only tables into a seperate tablespace from the tables which are being updated.
When you pass the select statement you can include the date strings in the oracle to_date function so that oracle can process them as dates
database_dt > to_date( 'date string', 'yyyymmdd')
hope that helps
Speaking of photos and travel, I have done several vacations now without taking a camera. It can be so liberating to travel without having to worry about taking pictures. I think I'm starting to prefer more subjective and fuzzy memories rather than accurate documentation. (It's also fun to annoy people: "What do you mean you went to such-and-such and didn't take any pictures?!) If my memories of a place start to fade, that just means that it's time to go back!
I agree totally. I find being an amateur photographer tends to take you out of the experience. Your trip is scene only through your viewfinder. And its expecially bad if you don't have a wide angle lens . Plus lugging all my cameras and lenses was a drag, especially through Yosemite. So, I too, have decided to <bold> NOT </bold> take my equipment on some trips so I could enjoy it.
21 years ago
It looks like you are passing the data as all strings, and this would not work if your database has them defined as numbers.
Also, if you are using Oracle, usually the TO_DATE function is used to convert the string to a date. Although you could pass the default database date formatted which was selected at installation time.
Give database and metadata info to clarify problem.
Where is the best place to find differences between release 1.3 and 1.4?
21 years ago
Can't you do a "before" insert trigger and set that column then?
21 years ago
Well the lost little doggie is finally back after finally finding another job and moving to North Carolina.
Now I just have to find where I left that damn Say.java. Maybe you'll let the prodigal go past that bad boy.
Nice to be back, and a BIG hello to all the hands
21 years ago
It depends on the kind of company you join. Some large companies can have you milling around looking for a desk and computer for a few weeks. While a small hungry firm needs everyone productive from day one. I was lucky to start at a smallish software firm where you were doing stuff from day one. The good thing about large companies is training. They can afford the cost and downtime to give it to you.
Good Luck
22 years ago
Wow..its been a while...I see I am on the inactive list for 99 days. Can it be that long. When you get swamped, you seem to lose all track of time.
Hope to be back to it in the next few weeks.
Gotta get past the hump (SAY)
22 years ago
I sent it off to friends....but made one alteration first....
<FBI> the rabbit had it coming ... to... the rabit fired first
23 years ago
I can back Jason's claims about Funny Games. It was very well acted, and I for one could not watch the entire film. What makes it so scary is that it could happen. This is one of those films where the tension is so high that you cannot enjoy the experience. Its one of those films I wish I could erase from my memory.
23 years ago
I wouldn't get upset. The few people I have met who joined seem like they are a little warped. Both quit mensa soon after joining, and both sited the meetings as boring and elitist.
Its much more fun down here...ignorance is bliss don't you know.
23 years ago

Article which proves my point about how businesses follow the law:
23 years ago