Speaking of photos and travel, I have done several vacations now without taking a camera. It can be so liberating to travel without having to worry about taking pictures. I think I'm starting to prefer more subjective and fuzzy memories rather than accurate documentation. (It's also fun to annoy people: "What do you mean you went to such-and-such and didn't take any pictures?!) If my memories of a place start to fade, that just means that it's time to go back!
I agree totally. I find being an amateur photographer tends to take you out of the experience. Your trip is scene only through your viewfinder. And its expecially bad if you don't have a wide angle lens

. Plus lugging all my cameras and lenses was a drag, especially through Yosemite. So, I too, have decided to <bold> NOT </bold> take my equipment on some trips so I could enjoy it.