Xiangdong Xu

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since Oct 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Xiangdong Xu

Hi all

Recently I am focus designing a "filter" into a program, the process is as following:
1. pass an Array of String into Filter class
Filter filter = new Filter(String[] array)

2. use method chooseArray() to choose some string from the Array, and return
String[] newArray = filter.chooseArray()

For the choosing process, I want to use Swing to create a ScrollPane with CheckBoxs and a "Comfirm" button on it. Each CheckBox represent a string in the Array. then user can choose the items they needed in the array. When finish choosing, user can click the "Comfirm" button. Then the newArray could return to the main theard to continue.

However, my program perferm as this:
after start the Swing thread by using show() method, the program immediately return to the main thread and all operations to the ScrollPane are useless.

How could I solve this issue?

Thanks in advance.
[ November 30, 2005: Message edited by: Xiangdong Xu ]
18 years ago

Recently I need to do synchronization for two oracle servers. The main process is to export tables from one server then import .dmp files into the other one. Are there any method I could use to implement this besides the Runtime.getruntime.exec(cmd) method.

[ October 26, 2005: Message edited by: Xiangdong Xu ]