Pradeep Pande

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since Oct 27, 2005
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Thanks Theodore for the reply....

Do u know of any sites or forums where I can look for some open source projects to gain hands-on experience?
19 years ago
Hi All,

Can somebody please give some advice as to what should my plan should be. I hope this is the right forum to ask this kind of question. I am currently working in Pune, India.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I am working in the IT industry for the last 4 yrs. I was earlier working on IBM Mainframe technologoes and some testing projects. But now I want to shift to Java/J2EE projects. I have cleared the following certification exams - IBM 285 (ICAD), IBM 286 (ICSD), SCJP and SCBCD. As I said, I don't have much hands-on experience with Java/J2EE projects. Can you please suggest how should I go about planning my future move? I don't think there are any good Java/J2EE projects currently in my company. Will the certificatrions help in getting a decent job? I am basically interested in doing some good developement work. My current salary is about 3.5 la. Please advice.

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago