Samith Nambiar

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since Mar 14, 2001
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Recent posts by Samith Nambiar

Richard Monson-Haefel Book Excerpt - SOAP
This will surely help those in India or anywhere where the book is not available as yet.
I have a long way to go with preparation for the exam. I have decided to take the exam on 22nd May.
This is the first time I'am appearing for a beta exam from Sun and therefore have some questions in my head
1. I was wondering if the beta exam format is any different from the regular exams i.e are all the questions Objective types?
2. This is 4.5 hours exams for 174 questions. Are these 174 questions inclusive of Borderline Survey? If yes, then does anyone know how many are part of the Borderline Survey?
3. The beta exam allows us to provide comments while taking the exam. These comments are reviewed when selecting the final questions for the exam that is released. Does anyone have more information on this? I have queries like ... are these comments on a question-by-question basis? with regards to which factors are these comments are expected?
managed to register successfully this morning ... wanted to let you guys know ... just incase anybody else in india had a problem registering for the exam yesterday.
thanks raj ... I will try again this evening / tomorrow ... have u registered as yet?
Hi All,
I called the prometric centre today(April 28 - India) for registration for the beta exam. The representative was not able to complete the registration process due to some error (which she could not help with further).
I was wondering if April 28th is the only day for registration and also if anyone from India has managed to register as yet. My guess is that we would have to wait until its (April 28 - US time).
consider this example:

yeah guess i just needed a little break
thanks Vin i get it now
wow thats a long list ... congratulations rizwan ... good luck
22 years ago
Well done Luciano ... good luck
22 years ago
ooops !!!
i think i just got all muddled up there ... i understand now ... it is because of the reference to the object from outside the method right?

i read the only 1 object is eligible for GC after the method returns ... but i have a doubt regarding this
From what i understand, an object that is passed as a parameter of a method has scope within the braces of the method ... if this is true then shouldn't 'obj' also be eligible for GC after the method returns?
i agree that radix is the base of the number system ... but i fail to understand the following example from the API docs of Integer class parseInt(String s, int radix) method.

parseInt("Kona", 27) returns 411787

if you look at the API docs, the start() method clearly states

public void start()
Causes this thread to begin execution. The Java Virtual Machine calls the run method of this thread.

simply put the start() method creates a thread and starts it to run/execute.