Hi Sandeep,
Try to refer to JLS to understand properly the use of volatile keyword.
Rules for Volatile Variables
If a variable is declared volatile, then additional constraints apply to the actions of each thread.
Let T be a thread and let V and W be volatile variables.
A use action by T on V is permitted only if the previous action by T on V was load, and a load action by T on V is permitted only if the next action by T on V is use. The use action is said to be "associated" with the read action that corresponds to the load.
A store action by T on V is permitted only if the previous action by T on V was assign, and an assign action by T on V is permitted only if the next action by T on V is store. The assign action is said to be "associated" with the write action that corresponds to the store.
Let action A be a use or assign by thread T on variable V, let action F be the load or store associated with A, and let action P be the read or write of V that corresponds to F. Similarly, let action B be a use or assign by thread T on variable W, let action G be the load or store associated with B, and let action Q be the read or write of W that corresponds to G. If A precedes B, then P must precede Q. (Less formally: actions on the master copies of volatile variables on behalf of a thread are performed by the main memory in exactly the order that the thread requested.)
The load, store, read, and write actions on volatile variables are atomic, even if the type of the variable is double or long.
ur friend ..