Krishna Latha Grandhi

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since Nov 08, 2005
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I got the answer, in the same specs itself...

A stateful session object has a unique identity that is assigned by the container at create time.

All session objects of the same stateless session bean within the same home have the same object identity,
which is assigned by the container.

I think in 44th page they mentioned only about stateful session beans...

Thank you...

Hari krishna.

In EJB2.0 spec page no.44 they mentioned

Each EJB object lives in a home, and has a unique identity within its home. For session beans, the Container
is responsible for generating a new unique identifier for each session object.

I have a doubt that Whether For Statless Session Beans, the container maintains unique identifier for each one.. or not...
If yes.. How can we get true when checking two stateless session bean EJBObjects by isIdentical() method..

Please Clarify...

Hari Krishna.
Hi Friends,

I completed SCJP and SCWCD. Now I want to do SCBCD. Now I am working as Software Engineer. I want to do Oracle certifications as well. Please tell me whether is it better to take Oracle certifications than other java certifications.. or both.. If Oracle certifications are also useful.. then please suggest me which certifications are good for me.. Please help me in this regard.

Thank you

Hari Krishna.
Hi Friends,

I am not fully satisfied with this percentage.. I dont think this is good percentage.. I got 93% in SCJP..But I am not able to cross that..

I am very thankful to all the ranchies who clarifying... doubts..I am silent viewer for this scwcd forum. Thank you Kathy..,BertBates,..basham..and one and all..

I prepared only Head First JSP & Servlets book..for about 1 month.

Ok..ranchies..All the best...

Please Suggest me the next....

Actually I posted this question after reading it in the spec..

we can verify the client set the encoding or not by using the method getCharacterEncoding()

My doubt is how we can know the request data is encoded with a different encoding..?
How we can know "client hasn�t set character encoding and the request data is encoded with a different encoding than the default"..
why javaBean can't be placed without package?
Sorry Unfortunately I posted this question to this..
Hi Friends,

From Servlet specs 2.4:

Servlets in a container that were not deployed as part of aWeb application are
implicitly part of a �default� Web application and have a default ServletContext.
In a distributed container, the default ServletContext is non-distributable and
must only exist in one JVM.

Please explain this in detail.. how the servlets are able to present in container with out deploying them to a web application...

Hari Krishna.
Hi Friends,

From Servlet specs 2.4:

Servlets in a container that were not deployed as part of aWeb application are
implicitly part of a �default� Web application and have a default ServletContext.
In a distributed container, the default ServletContext is non-distributable and
must only exist in one JVM.

Please explain this in detail.. how the servlets are able to present in container with out deploying them to a web application...

Hari Krishna.
Hi Friends,

Why we have to avoid the use of java code in JSP?
