Makhana Jiggu

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since Nov 09, 2005
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Recent posts by Makhana Jiggu

Thank you for the reply. I have never used IFRAME before and know very basic knowledge of javascript. I apprecaite if you can please tell me in this scenario how to use iframe like hidden to submit the form to the server without any user interaction and get the value from the server to display that value dynamically on the jsp page.

RefreshForm is deifned in the struts file of the action path( and form bean
<form bean name ="refreshForm" path="presentation.form.RefreshForm">
When I run the following jsp to automaticcally refresh every 10 seconds i'm geting javascript error that object is null on line document.refreshForm.submit(). can you please help on sloving the issue.
I double checked the stuts file and action and form path has been defined.

<%@ page import='java.util.*' %>

<%@ page import='presentation.action.RefreshTimer' %>

<%@page import='presentation.action.RefreshAction'%>

<%@page import='presentation.form.RefreshForm'%>

<script language="javascript" >

var temp = window.setInterval('submitPage()',10*1000);

function submitPage(){

alert("before count submit");


var xyz = <%=application.getAttribute("counter")%>

alert("New Request is " + xyz);



<html:form action="/" method="post" onsubmit ="submitPage()">

I have to query the database for every 5 minutes to check for any new records. If records are found, then it has to automatically refresh the home page(this is jsp page) displaying a page to the user that new record has been created. How can i achieve this? Any suggesstions please
19 years ago
Do you have any sample code to refer
19 years ago
I need to validate a field to allow only decimal values
eg 10.2 or 10.0 or 10 is acceptable
It can have only 2 digits before the decimal point and can have only one digit after the decimal point. How can i check this.
Any sample code is helpful
19 years ago
I have to use existing jsp page where i need to pre populate all these values in a text area in a new line. Is there any other solution?
19 years ago
I need to calculate the given date to check for a certain period of time if Given date: 10/12/2005 5:00pm Saturday
then Display the time stamp as Monday date 10/14/2005 8:30am

any date that falls between Saturday 5:00pm to MOnday 8:00am I need to show it as MOnday 8:00am. how can i do this?
Any sample code is helpful. Thanks in advance
19 years ago
I'm not using servlet.
I'm using java and output is displayed in a jsp page using jsp custom logic tag.
19 years ago
I need to validate a field to allow only decimal values
eg 10.2 or 10.0 or 10 is acceptable
It can have only 2 digits before the decimal point and can have only one digit after the decimal point. How can i check this.
Any sample code is helpful
When i run the following code, the output is not displaying in a new line but displays everything in a same line. Any advice please. I'm struggling but cant get it solved. this is kind of urgent any help is great...

StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(4000);
s.append("Name: " + custNamerequestedAmt + "\n");
s.append("Name: " + custNamerequestedAmt+"\n");
//s.append('\n'); // also tried this but did not work
s.append("Phone: " + custPhone + "\n");
s.append("Email: " + custEmail + "\n");

Also I want to bold the headings of the column the name and phone, how can i acheive this.
19 years ago