Sarah Connor

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since Nov 10, 2005
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Recent posts by Sarah Connor

I'm working on a Java eclipse 3.3 project. It's for an eclipse plug-in.

I'm using a files to contain my strings and a class extending from org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS to dislay theses messages.

This worked fine. However I then changed computers and now when I run the plug-in I get the following errors
NLS missing message: xxxx in:

where xxxx is the name of the String in the NLS extended file and in the messages file gives a string value.

I'm sure it's something in the build path/configuration but I don't know what it is. Any help would be much appreciated.
I've a multi-page editor containing a Tree Table. I'm currently trying to customise the properties page for each TableItem on the tree page.

I'm really struggling with this. I've found some examples for customising the properties view with GEF objects but none for swt objects. I've also tried the example on the eclipse "Take control of your properties" article but it crashes on my machine.

Could anyone point me in the correct direction of some tutorials/examples? I'm tearing my hair out after three days of what seems like wasted effort.

I'm try to see a custom properties view for a button in one of my editors. When I click on the button I want to show a custom properties view showing the property text and the value "hello"

In my editor page I have added a SelectionProvider in the addPagesWithExc method

if (this.getSite() != null) {
this.getSite().setSelectionProvider(new SelectionProvider());

In my page (that I add to my editor) I add a button to the page
Button button = new Button(client, SWT.PUSH);
ButtonAdapter buttonAdapter = new ButtonAdapter(button, "Button");
I then add the button to a buttonAdapter (which implements IWorkbenchAdapter,IAdaptable)

Then I add the IAdaptable to and adapterList (extends WorkbenchAdapter implements IAdaptable)

I also have implemented a property source for the button
ButtonElementPropertySource implements IPropertySource which provides a TextPropertyDescriptor

I obviously need someway to connect them all up but I'm a bit flummoxed by this.
[ December 19, 2007: Message edited by: Sarah K ]
16 years ago
Hi guys,
I'm just starting to try to figure out how to customise the Problems view in eclipse so that e.g. if Have an object A who's value range is from 3-5 and the value is set to 6 that a warning/error will appear in the Problems view.

I've been searching high and low both around this forum and the internet in general.

If anyone could point me in the direction of where to start or even what "buzz" words I should be using I'd be most grateful.
Sarah K
Got it working now (don't know how)... only problem is that I now have have two versions of emf and I'm trying to get rid of the older version.

Tune in for the next post!
Hi guys,
I'm trying to generate an emf model from annotated java using the emf model wizard.

Everything goes as planned until I come to the package selection page. There are no choices for the package selection and I'm unable to move onto the next wizard step.

Any help would be much appreciated.
HI guys,
I'm missing some emf plugs and want to try to up date my plugs accordingly.

I'm using the update manager for this
Help->Software Updates...->Find and install->Search for new features to install

then I add in the link

Then at the next step it prompts me for a mirror where upon I use the link

The update manager then starts to run

However it then generates a configuration error
When you look at the details it begings

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced.
See details for more information.
----- Current configuration problems -----

Graphical Modeling Framework (Callisto Edition) (1.0.3.v20070202-1200) requires feature "org.eclipse.jdt (3.2.0)", or later version.

Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Resources (Windows) (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform.source (2.1.3)", or compatible.
Eclipse SDK Examples (Windows) (2.1.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.1)", or compatible.
Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.0)", or compatible.
Eclipse Platform (Windows) (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.3)", or compatible.
Eclipse Java Development Tools (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.1)", or compatible.
Eclipse SDK Examples (2.1.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.1)", or compatible.
----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
Graphical Modeling Framework (Callisto Edition) (1.0.3.v20070202-1200) requires feature "org.eclipse.jdt (3.2.0)", or later version.
Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Resources (Windows) (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform.source (2.1.3)", or compatible.
Eclipse SDK Examples (Windows) (2.1.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.1)", or compatible.
Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.0)", or compatible.
Eclipse Platform (Windows) (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.3)", or compatible.
Eclipse Java Development Tools (2.1.3) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.1)", or compatible.
Eclipse SDK Examples (2.1.1) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.platform (2.1.1)", or compatible.
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Extender SDK (2.4.0.v200710041746) requires feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.3.0.v20061208-Fj22sCYGm0XDWm3)", or compatible.
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Runtime + End-User Tools (2.4.0.v200710041746) requires feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.3.0.v20061208-Fj22sCYGm0XDWm3)", or compatible.
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Examples (2.4.0.v200710041746) requires feature "org.eclipse.platform (3.3.0.v20061208-Fj22sCYGm0XDWm3)", or compatible.

I'm assuming its because my jdt file is out of date (first error on the line?) but I'm not sure.

Any help would be greatefully appreciated.

Sorry if this is a complete numpty question but CLUELESS and have searched every where on the internet all afternoon for a solution but to no avail.