Amirr Rafique

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since Nov 14, 2005
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Recent posts by Amirr Rafique

Hi Guys

To load environment specific values, in my src/main/resources folder, I have some properties files in different subfolders i.e.

I am loading these properties through spring

ENVIRONMENT is environment variable.

I am using appassembler-maven-plugin to generate the executable .sh file.

As a result of this all my properties files become part of my generated jar file. I want to expose some of the properties to set their values at deployment time. I have tried following configuration

But Spring does not load the properties; may be due to the given path in spring config(see above) ?

What maven configuration should I use to move my properties files in appassembler\conf folder at package time and have spring load them from classpath. I am after the configuration that works for both development(in eclipse, unit tests as maven builds) and in deployment

Please guide.

12 years ago
Hi Mark,
it is a Topic but even if there is no other listener and no new message on Topic, my transaction manager keeps on creating transaction.....
13 years ago
I have created a basic Spring applicatin to read from Oracle AQ. I am experiencing following issues. Kindly help me on this

1)- Messages placed on the queue (by PL/SQL code) prior to starting of my spring application are not dequeued by it.
2)- A message that is successfull read from the queue should be removed from the queue. This is not happening. All messages remain in Queue Table.
3)- Once a message is read, the process goes in block/waiting state, as shown by the log below, if any message is place on queue during that period, that message is ignored.

4)- Why it is making soo many tansactions? While waiting on queue

below is my spring config

Kindly help me out
13 years ago
If I run unit test from maven, they work fine. The problems only seems with tests run from eclipse.

Any idea ?
13 years ago
Hi Guys

I want to setup an application which will be listening on Oracle (Database) Queue and will call a webservice after processing the message from the queue. This application will run in Oracle Application Server. Kindly help me with following question

1-Should I use EJB3 or Spring to listen on Queue
2- I am more inclined to Spring; If I use Spring will it be a web application based in the spring? I am new to Spring and not able to visualize the placement of MDP in Spring webapp.

Looking forward for you kind suggestions
13 years ago

Mark Spritzler wrote:How many connections does your database allow. Can you post some of your test code? The cause network connection could not be made would be either because the network went down, but I doubt that, or that you are trying to create too many connections than the server/database can start up. So it isn't exactly a Spring or Unit Test problem as a configuration for your database.

What database are you using?


I am using Orcale XE database installed on my local machine(No network db call). I am not sure how I should check the connection allowed by the db. Please guide me on this. It is the case of connection exhausting but I am not sure where is the problem. I my unit test I am get simpleJdbcTemplate injected. My unit test are calling Spring Batch Job. The job reads table containting 100 reacords, call some transformation logic and write them back in new table.
13 years ago
Hi Mark

I am using @ContextConfiguration and @RunWith in the tests. I am not calling close() method of DataSource. My understanding was that all the connection handling is taken care by Spring itself. I have tested it by adding the close() call but of no gain. Below is my datasource config
13 years ago
Hi mates

If I run all(31) the unit test together, I get following connection error in 2 - 3 unit tests, however if I run those tests indvidually, the run successfully. Can you please guide me on this strange behaviour. I am using Spring 3.0.6, Spring batch 2.1.7 and orcale XE database.

below is the error

13 years ago
Do hibernate use ehcache for storing it configurations?
That is the last way. I was thinking may be some one already has gone throught the code and can share his findings here.
Hi Guys

How hibernate internally stores and access it configuration (information in .cfg and .hbm files). I want to understand it configuration layer. Do any one has any idea.

Hi mates

Can anyone please tell me any opensource java based BPMS which support import / export of XPDL 2.x files

Thanks in Advance
Soruce : SCEA Study Guide

Which of the following are non-functional requirements?

A. Scalability, availability, extensibility, manageability, and security
B. Performance, reliability, elaboration, transition, documentation, and security
C. Specification, elaboration, construction, transition, use cases, and security
D. Performance, availability, scalability, and security
E. Reliability, availability, scalability, manageability, and security

Real Answer is A. Isn't A and E also non functional requirements.
Hi Guys

I have placed order for EPractice exam on oracle australia site. Yesterday I got an email form [email protected] asking me to provice my Credit Card inforamtion to proceed with order. To me it seems suspicious as I have already given all the information on orcale side why they are asking again. is it their normal process?