bel Canto

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since Nov 14, 2005
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Recent posts by bel Canto

In the Spring MVC framework, I need to create a controller (simple form?) that will allow me to redirect the request to one of 20 different views (jsps) based on the input parameters chosen on the landing page.

I am assuming I need to create a model for each of the view jsps but should be able to redirect to the correct view jsp based off of the input parameter passed in from the request, right?

Any code snippets/pointers will be very helpful. Thanks.
15 years ago
In the Spring MVC framework, I need to create a controller (simple form?) that will allow me to redirect the request to one of 20 different views (jsps) based on the input parameters chosen on the landing page.

I am assuming I need to create a model for each of the view jsps but should be able to redirect to the correct view jsp based off of the input parameter passed in from the request, right?

Any code snippets/pointers will be very helpful. Thanks.
15 years ago
I have a Portal 6013 environment with JSR168 portlets, spring portlets, JSF portlets and a couple out of the box ones. I allow end users to customize their layout where they can even add/remove portlets. I want to add a button that allows them to "reset" back to the default.

Is the easiest way to somehow invoke an xmlaccess script when they push the reset button that will somehow run on the backend and relay their personal layout. If so, how can I do this? If not, what are some alternatives?

16 years ago
Thanks a lot Mark for your prompt suggestions.

The XML schema for the message is defined. Currently, I am using JDOM to parse the message (onMessage is using instanceof TextMessage) and am binding it to an Object definition that basically has getters defined.

The setup seems to work but is not very "efficient" - in that I have to write custom validation to validate the message. And the object definiton is not very dynamic and has to be updated manually to generate more getters if the message schema changes.

I'm looking for something like:
Parser.parse(message) which first invokes something like validator(message, schema) and after it validates the message document against the supplied schema it binds the xml to a loosely defined object that stuffs all the various attributes and its values into an array or some similar data structure. Other code can then work with the object and get data by traversing through the array. This will also allow me to do something like onMessage(msg instanceof ObjectMessage) instead of what I am doing right now.

Thanks again and hope to hear back...
Any patterns or successful techniques employed when your MDB retrieves an XML message from a queue and you need to bind it to an object for further manipulation by various session beans... ?

Any good resources will be highly appreciated.

I have been trying to map CMPs to tables residing on a DB2/8.2.1 64-bit running on an AIX box -- my tooling is WSADIE 5.1.1 on WinXP box.

I can connect to the local copy of the db on my dev box and do all my mappings etc. just fine but I can't even connect to the development database on the remote 64-bit AIX server.

I have already tried to no avail, the below solutions recommending using the non IBM Universal driver etc.

I am sure that you guys have successfully accomplished what I am trying to do before. I would really appreciate if you could share the trick that did it for you.

Thanks in advance for your time and help.