saravanakumar rajendran

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since Nov 14, 2005
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Recent posts by saravanakumar rajendran

after enabling the security i couldn't login to the WAS console. Facing this issue,

[9/1/10 18:58:03:221 CEST] 00000040 SystemOut O WMM-UR: WMM initialzation failed, using Direct Access
[9/1/10 18:58:03:524 CEST] 00000049 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [adminconsole] [/ibm/console] [/logon.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[9/2/10 9:55:40:496 CEST] 00000040 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [RedirectServlet]: Initialization successful.

After this message i am getting the same screen again. please help me to resolve this issue.
14 years ago
i am asking a scenario where ssl is enabled. might be your case ssl is (security) is not yet enabled.

For me i need to know how to give ./ without usercredentials in ssl enabled scenario.
14 years ago
Hi all,
is there any way to do appserver restart without giving user credentials like username and password.

I done with this

./ <server name> -username <uname> -password <pwd>

is there any chance to have a stop/start without giving the above user credentials
14 years ago
for (int k=1;k<=5;k++)
{for(int z=6-k;z<5;z++)
System.out.print(" ");
for (int l=k+1;l<=5 ;l++ )
thanks for your kind reply, and this is my answer
18 years ago
thanks guys, i got it now
18 years ago
that api is technically advance, i need it for beginners level.
any way thanks a lot for your kind reply
18 years ago
for (int k=1;k<=5;k++)
for (int l=k+1;l<=5 ;l++ )


for this i am getting

* not as i expected one.
18 years ago
Hi team,
can some one give me clue for printing this

where s is space.
using for loop
since i am totally mad to achieve this, atlast i posted here
[ November 09, 2006: Message edited by: saravanakumar rajendran ]
18 years ago
hi in an interview they asked me to do a coding for both if and else statement needs to work .
can any one tell me how to write logic for this
18 years ago