velan vel

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 15, 2005
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Recent posts by velan vel

Hi Ravi

I was asking for Version 5 (310-230) code.

Hi Ranchers

Where Can I get the RMH for JEE ? I have seen one for J2EE.

public class Test2 {

public static void main(String args[]){

Object x = null;

giveMeAString (x);

//First println

System.out.println (x);

me m1 = new me();

m1.f1="Outside method";


//Last println



public static void giveMeAString(Object y){

y="Iam inside method";


public static void testme(me y){

y.f1="modified inside method";

//inside println

System.out.println("Inside "+ y.f1);



class me{

public String f1=null;

public String f2=null;

Now I became SCBCD and scored 80% only.
I am getting confused to take J2EE Web Service or IBM UML.
ranchers please suggest me.

I so what are the material i should follow

17 years ago
i every one i have passed scwcd with 91%
i did really well but some questions really tricky
i think i lost some questions careless

i have to appreciate for kathy and bert bates for excellent design of BOOK,
the complete coverage of exam objective
if you miss a single sentence in HFSJ, you are going to loose some marks in SCWCD that is the relationship between HFSJ and SCWCD.

thanks mahesh
i have confidence
with some positive attitudes i am going to take exam

hi i have taken final mock exam in HFSJ and i have scored 43/69 (62%)
i have reg for exam tomorrow
can anyone please suggest me to appear in the exam
if yes what will be my score

please suggest as soon as possible

can any body give list of good companies in bangalore
18 years ago
Please refer my previous posts, I have given as Google.what is your best place?
18 years ago
amrita sankar i already opened my card. If you have any Dream you can share? Hope this reply is sufficient.

18 years ago
Yes maximum maitenance & support, Back Dated works, service providing works are moved to India.
why don't they develop a product with Indians?.
It is really a Reasonable Issue.
velan vel
18 years ago
But IBM is TOP most software concern. Its really amazing to see these kind of comments.
18 years ago
now the list is yahoo, goolge , csc , triology, sun , adobe, microsoft, oracle, still growing
18 years ago
i started this thread to get a positive data for all ranchers, now we get different opinion from different people. yes it is reasonable.
let us leave "dream company"
keep only best palce to work.(if one got good offer)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
positive attitude is an art of getting success in LIFE.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
18 years ago
My place should be Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle
18 years ago