Jaya Nagar

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 17, 2005
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Recent posts by Jaya Nagar

They must have assured him onsite immediately.
18 years ago
Champak(working in DotNet but interested in Java)
18 years ago
How many animals are killed for all leather seats of a car?
18 years ago

Originally posted by Nu Guy:
They have poor "personal" customer service, the owner is very arrogant and is more concerned with his front door than having a customer for life.
I would take my business elsewhere. Try bookpool.com.

Communication is always two way.If you want him to respond politely then you should also talk to him in descent manner.

18 years ago
Enjoy in HP.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Sunil Kumar Gupta:

Malika sherawat ko airport custom par check karate huye puchha gaya madam iss tifin box main kya hain. Malika sherawat: umm tang mat karo isme mere kapade hain.

For those whose native is not Hindi:
During custom checking,Malika Sherawat(Famous Indian porn actress)was asked "Whats there in your lunch box?"
Malika on't irritate me.My clothes are there in the box.
18 years ago
Didn't she ask AOL about job profile?
As CA and BCom she will be in better position to nderstand than us.
18 years ago
Stay with company A and show your professionalism.Money will follow you .
[ March 01, 2006: Message edited by: Jaya Nagar ]
18 years ago

Originally posted by Chetan Parekh:

We had a colleague whose name is Mayur, but they called them Majoor.

Just to know everybody that this ironic laughter and beer chug because Majoor means Subservient daily wage worker in India.
18 years ago
I think this guy acts as a spider,supplying all the infprmation about companies,people's opinion about these companies.
18 years ago
Bangalore.Cheaper and full of trees.
18 years ago
Generally they ask about Turing machine,complexity theory,RSA algorithm and basic stuff like that.
18 years ago
How do WE know this? Whether you are going for heart transplant surgery or executing SQL statements or designing quantum chip?
18 years ago

Originally posted by Vishnu Prakash:

This thread MUST BE CLOSED.
18 years ago