Deepak Mula

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since Nov 20, 2005
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Recent posts by Deepak Mula

I have some class level variables for map1 and map2, please see below:

12 years ago
Welcome Srinivas!!!

-- HanumaDeepak Muvvala.
Welcome Jonas Yuan.
14 years ago
Welcome María Carina Roldán.
Hi Filippo,

Welcome !!!

-- Deepak.
14 years ago

Any one did Spring Certification offered by conducted by SpringSource? If so can you please give me details about exam?

14 years ago
Yes, I have written this code in one of my projects.
14 years ago
Thanks for Replying Rob, String.contains used between String and CharSequences but I want to match a String and Regex.
14 years ago
Try This:

the above method decodes Base64 String to bytes image.

14 years ago

I am trying to find whether there is any way to find that my string is a substring of regex.

here is my requirement I have a regex [A-G]{7} strings ABCDEFG,DEFGDEF.... all matches my regex. I have another string ABC I need to find whether ABC is substring of string which matches my regex. I didn't find any method to attain this. Is there any way to get this?

14 years ago
Congrats , I am going to take the exam on 8th. Preparing for the day.

My answer is d.Documents exchanged within the components of the system require validation.

please refer the section 4.3.3 Validating XML Documents in Designing Web Services - Java Blue Print


Prasanna Wamanacharya wrote:Done! Emailed them at [email protected].

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