s jain

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since Nov 22, 2005
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Recent posts by s jain

Originally posted by Ahmad Khan:

Shall I move?


Yes,You already have the brand name.Now move and negotiate over good work in the new position.before that just chk if it is possible to get that thing in your current organization.
18 years ago
any update...

Which is better from learning perspective :
IT profile in investment bank or IT profile in consulting company?
18 years ago
also is it difficult to get selected there ?
18 years ago
I am looking for a change and currently having 2 options:
1. consulting company (work on J2ee side)
2. investment bank.
I am looking for a profile where:
-there is good exposure to J2ee & advance J2ee side.
-client interaction
-I am not willing to shift to other tech.
-dont want to do maintainace & support work.
-intrested more on server side work and requirement analysis sort of work.
which is better ? which thing should I think before choosing the company?
18 years ago
one is..
[ December 28, 2006: Message edited by: s jain ]

Originally posted by KJ Reddy:

If you are involved developing a product from scratch it will be challenging otherwise that also becomes boring.

ya..you may be involve in doing bug fixing for a long time.Depending upon product it may be feel very slow environment to work means long product cycles,not much deadlines..etc.
18 years ago
whats the difference from developer perspective one can see when following the agile methodology as compared to other?
e-gain in pune..
does it involve work in J2ee tech ?
18 years ago

Originally posted by Varun Khanna:

I have received mails from Consultants over openings in Thoughtworks Pune.
Not sure about the location. I guess it might be mentioned in Company's website.

can you please mail the id of consultant.
18 years ago
where thoughtworks situated in pune or it has planned for future?
18 years ago
you can also use tcpmon utility for monitoring soap requests and responses.
18 years ago
t systems
18 years ago
Apache Axis.
What are the companies working in web service base project in pune?
18 years ago