billy ghot

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since Nov 22, 2005
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Recent posts by billy ghot

i do put insert, not Insert, that was my bad....and it still says it cannont find symbol insert...
18 years ago
ok, so how am i supposed to set the value to the A[3][?] when i dont know how many rows there are going to be, thats up to the user...

would i set it to int i, and then put it in the for loop?

i need help, not directions, so if you could i would be very grateful

thx, Justin Billy Ghot..
18 years ago
this is my method...

ok, in the main application, when i do...

the compiler says it cannot find Insert.

please help..
thanks justin billy ghot
18 years ago
i understand that....

when i put A[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(C);
will that work?...
or is there an insert method in the array class
and how do i get my method (TwoDArray) to where i can call it from the main.

and yes i have a main method, im just a newb and i cant figure out how to call it from the main.
if i put a break after the last for loop, it would only do it once...

thanks, justin

[ November 22, 2005: Message edited by: billy ghot ]
[ November 22, 2005: Message edited by: billy ghot ]
18 years ago
so what you're saying is

int [][] A = {{3,4,5},

each row is an individual array?....
if that is so, how do i store values in each one?
like A[i][j];

thanks, justin
18 years ago
and, how would i call to that method??....

TwoDAverage; doesn't work?
18 years ago
i have a method to write, when the method is called in the main program, it is supposed to prompt the user for how many rows in the array?... and if they say three, the it sets up a "int [] [] a A = new int [3][?];" i suppose. then its suppose to prompt them for the values of each row.
and then return the average.

now this is my code so far.

18 years ago