Joe McGuire

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Joe McGuire

Are you ready kids? Aye, Aye Captain!
(You parents know what I'm talkin 'bout)
22 years ago
Converted into your config.xml file
22 years ago
Great news Rahul, congratulations!
22 years ago
Currently working on the update, but it is rumored that BEA is to make major revisions to their exam/certification process. Planning to have it up by the first week in October, sorry for any inconvenience!
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer
22 years ago
Better to lurk in forums, than to lurk in public rest rooms!
22 years ago
I watch in disbelief as my father-in-law lives on a diet of salo and vodka. 65 years old, and fit as a freaking fiddle.
22 years ago
I really didn't want to get into this post, but I have to agree on China. I'm thinking that the McDonald's in Hong Kong has to be kinda like in the West, but no - just a hole in the floor you either aim at, or squat over. If you dare look into the void, you find it staring back at you. Literally.
22 years ago
I'll have it available by the first of October. I've been told that BEA is going to make changes to the process, and I'm waiting to see what those are going to be.
Sorry for any delay!
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer
No I haven't Rajat. Recent developments in my company have left me currently seeking out alternative job prospects, and have not left me much free time. I have a good faq for BEA WLS 6 development, but am holding off on the update for version 7 because there's rumors of a big change in the BEA certification process.
As soon as I have something more concrete I'll add the faq, in the meantime, if you have anything I'll get it posted. I think things will come together soon on the job front and leave me more time to devote to outside projects.
My colleagues and I are currently co-authoring a book on WLS 7 which will include a section on certification and an exam (Sam's Publishing Unleashed Series, should be out this Fall).
I'm will have the Gamma site updated to include WLS 7 certification next month:
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer
This is a good idea. I'll start working on a document, and any and all contributions are greatly appreciated!
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer
Congratulations Bogdan!
I'm glad you found the Gamma resources helpful. Currently, we are authoring a book on WLS 7, and I'll be updating the site to include WLS 7 Exam preparation soon.
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer
22 years ago
The BEA WebLogic Developer Certification Page has been updated for WebLogic Server 7.0:
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer

Originally posted by Roy Ben Ami:

Che orrore! Ma, loro hanno giocati benissimi.
22 years ago
The 0B0-300 BEA WEBLOGIC SERVER 7.0 ENTERPRISE DEVELOPER EXAM is available as of today, June 18, 2002. The BEA Certification Page has not been updated with 7.0 objectives, but you can register and take the exam with a Prometrics test center.
Joe McGuire
Sun Certified Java™ 2 Programmer, BEA WLS Certified Developer
22 years ago