Vikram Kohli

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since Nov 27, 2005
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What will you get after getting the copy of the bond. If its signed up by you(in presence of your mind), its total legal contract between you and your company. If you leave the company, you have to pay them the amount mentioned in your employment bond. Hiring a Lawyer in this case will only help one person, Lawyer himself(you will give good fee for that)

Though there is few scope of improvement from this year when Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 will be applicable for the Indian IT companies.

But Moury, you need to understand your employer perspective also. They have spend a good amount of time/money on you to make you productive. Agree that one should get good working conditions and good starting salary to live in city like Gurgaon. But changing your job just for the sake of increasing your salary for few thousand rupees will not help you in long run. Learn the things in which you work, be an expert in it, be passionate about it. If you haven't find the thing you are passionate about, invest time towards finding it. Money will definitely come down the line.

There are so many experienced people here in JavaRanch who suggest the same thing about finding your passion and improving your skills. I was also among one of those who got the same guidance when I was starting my career(and even getting it today).

So take your call after discussing it with your friends/peers and take into account the long term perspective of your career before moving ahead.
12 years ago
This thread was also started with similar question.

Please read the Chris reply.
12 years ago
Why don't you try management degree with specialization in Finance. If you are in India, do it with top notch b-school institutions(if you have budget for that). An executive management course will cost you somewhere 13L to 20L. But you will get good opportunities to work on.
12 years ago
This link is for you.

Hope it will help. Big mobile VAS companies might be the right segment for you. I think you should try with Founder and CEO title only.
12 years ago
Oh man, this was the assignment given to me during my Business Law course in my post grad mgmt program . I have given the wrong answer, and was awarded with negative marks.

Anyhow you fail fast and you learn faster. What Prof. told to us was as follows:-

In Indian law, there is no term called employment bond. When you sign an employment bond, its a contract between you and your employer(Under Indian contact act 1872). If you have signed the contract, it a valid and totally legal. If you break the bond(which in legal terms is a contract), you are entitled to compensate your employer with the amount mentioned in the bond(I mean contract).

If you break the contract, they may file a criminal case or civil cast against you. But big corporates avoid it for the reason that lawyers fee will be much higher than the compensation you will pay to them. Further , every one knows that in India civil cases takes too much time(you will start it and your grand kids will finish it).

So I will suggest, stay with your company and complete your contract, or if you decided to leave, be prepared to give compensation mentioned in the contract to your employer.
12 years ago
Keep your fundamentals crisp and clear in the technology you work. There are thousands of those in the market with same technology set, and at a same time, good opportunities are also their.

But why someone should offer you work other that in Struts or Hibernate. Have you learned any other technology, which is latest, and in which you want to work.

Here are tips( from long term contributor on Java Ranch(Arun) .
12 years ago
If there is no other option(which you are looking for) in your present company, then yes you can look for change.

But talk to your manager about it(that I need more challenging job in new framework and/or onsite opportunity),before to put down your papers or start looking for new job.

12 years ago
Here is what I except from my mentors:-

1) Give me initial introductory training
2) Tell me what too learn, and from where to learn.
3) Allow me to make mistakes, and correct me where I am wrong.
4) Tell me the exact expectations from my side.
12 years ago
Why not try something new. If I was at your place, I will choose mobile based web app development. Why? Because I will learn something new, something different and something that is in demand and will be in demand.
12 years ago

Working in a startup will give you the best learning. Contribute to open source, make Google/Web gadgets,apps,mobile apps..distribute it for free.
Nothing will come overnight. You need to be patient and keep working hard and keep learning.
12 years ago
Thanks Maneesh . Will try that.
12 years ago
Hi All,

Problem: Unable to get the grey out effect on the dialog box. Following is the code:

Have tried to place the dialogBox.setGlassEnabled(true); before show/center and after show/center also. And Have searched every where on Google and tried to achieve it in every possible way, but no luck.

Can anyone please help here

12 years ago
Guys need help...

Please provide input, or there is any other way around to expose the logic written in the Service implementation class . I need to develope a Google Gadget/Wordpress Widget, and it needs data from my GWT app, how I can achieve this?

Thanks & Regards,
12 years ago
Approach suggested will not work as, it is meant for the the consumption from java based client. Where as I am trying to invoke the web service through Java Script.

I either need to expose GreetingServiceImpl as a SOAP web service or as a REST full web service. I followed the tutorial given here. But instead of creating the Dynamic Web Project, I am trying this in the GWT project it self. But its giving the 404 error.

here is the code.

Servlet declaration in web.xml

And finally I HTML, having java script code to call the above service

Can anyone please give pointer on how can I solve this problem
12 years ago