I have done a few hours reading different tutorials. I was just not sure how to download the jars, property and log files into a particular directory and then place a shortcut in the Start Up. I want as little user interaction as possible. I was hoping to house the complete client application on the local machine. The properties file and the log file need to be accessed by the user on their local machine.
I was under the impression that everything had to be located in the jar where the actual code is located. I want a single click to download and install the application on the client machine. How do I specify where the application is installed and how to install it? Do I have to use the JNLP API or is it just about creating a .jnlp file in my web-app and supplying a link to it via one of my jsps?
The installed structure currently is:
installation folder
    lib folder
       main client jar
       dependency jars (ie. log4j, axis2 etc)
    application.bat <- batch file that calls javaw with the main class, etc
If you could point me in the direction of a tutorial that does something like this I would appreciate it.