Kevin DesLauriers

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I will be working on this over the next couple of days. When I come up with a solution, I will let you know.

15 years ago
I have done a few hours reading different tutorials. I was just not sure how to download the jars, property and log files into a particular directory and then place a shortcut in the Start Up. I want as little user interaction as possible. I was hoping to house the complete client application on the local machine. The properties file and the log file need to be accessed by the user on their local machine.

I was under the impression that everything had to be located in the jar where the actual code is located. I want a single click to download and install the application on the client machine. How do I specify where the application is installed and how to install it? Do I have to use the JNLP API or is it just about creating a .jnlp file in my web-app and supplying a link to it via one of my jsps?

The installed structure currently is:

installation folder
    lib folder
       main client jar
       dependency jars (ie. log4j, axis2 etc)
    application.bat <- batch file that calls javaw with the main class, etc

If you could point me in the direction of a tutorial that does something like this I would appreciate it.


15 years ago
I am hoping that someone can help me with this one.

I have a web-app that contains web services that a client application I created will make calls to. I want to create a link on one of the jsps that will allow particular users the ability to click the link and it will download and install the client application on the users local machine. The software contains a couple of properties file and a handful of libs (one of those containing the main function).

I was thinking that this can be accomplished using JNLP. I want to place a shortcut for the application in the StartUp in the Menu.

Thanks for any help you can supply!
15 years ago
Thank you both for your help. That helps a lot.
17 years ago
So, I am unsure which forum to place this question because I guess it could go in quite a few. But I chose here.

I am using Tomcat that comes with eclipse 3.3.1 and I am using the myeclipse plugin on a x86_64 linux machine.

My problem is as follows:

I am writing a web app that users servlets, pojos and JSPs currently. Usig form based authentication users stored in tomcat-users.xml can login. This works perfectly fine.

But of course, I want new users to be able to join so I have a register link on the sign in page that stores user data in an object. I will be using a series of SQL tables to store user data in but I want the user who just registered to be able become users as long as their data is okay on the register form.

Is there a way to update tomcat-users.xml while the app is running and without interaction from me? Or is there another way I should be doing it. I know that I should not be storing passwords in the sql table.

Thank you
17 years ago
Much appreciated! I will make the change in my design.
17 years ago
It is not that I want to change the URL in the address bar; I would just rather it reflect the page it is displaying instead of a fake .do name that is used to send a request to a particular action class.


A user is on the /jsp/home.jsp page and has the option of refreshing data in the database by clicking a button or link. When this is done I want the user to be forwarded to the same page /jsp/home.jsp and have the URL in the address bar reflect that they are at /jsp/home.jsp not /
17 years ago
Currently the page is static. I am using a link on the page to update a database and then return back to the same page.

The page is jsp/home.jsp and it has a link to that is mapped to a class in the struts config. When it returns success it is supposed to forward back to the same page "home.jsp" (for now).

It words except that when I return to the home.jsp page it shows and I would much rather it show home.jsp in the address bar.

17 years ago
I am fairly new to struts (using 1.2) and was hoping that someone could help me with my question.

I am configuring the struts-config.xml file to forward to a particular page and it does with the path's original url as expected with a forward.

My question is, how do I place the forwarded URL in the address bar instead of the .do resource?
17 years ago
Okay, for EJB 2.0 HF (pg 279) says that the you must return the remote component interface for findByPrimaryKey() in the Remote home interface.

Whizlabs, and the spec says that any finder methods must return the entity bean's primary key or a collection of primary keys. I know that that for CMP beans you don't implement the finders in your bean class but I still want to confirm that they have different return types in the home and the bean class for finder methods.

[ October 28, 2007: Message edited by: Kevin DesLauriers ]
getPrimarykey() returns Object in EJB 2.0 so it makes it kind of hard to use a primitive as a primary key. I suggest that you wrap int using java.lang.Integer
[ October 07, 2007: Message edited by: Kevin DesLauriers ]
Somewhere between ejbActivate and ejbLoad the container associates the bean with a client. The same thing occurs after ejbStore() and before ejbPAssivate(). The entity bean is too general during activate and passivate to know about the client that is calling the business method. It has not been associated with a client or transaction.

I hope this helps.
Is this for 1.3? Or is it downward compatible? I did see this link on my search. I just want to be able to get everything in the shortest amount of time. I apologise if I am coming off as someone that wants someone else to do their work for them. Trust me, I am the farthest from that kind of person as possible.


[ April 13, 2007: Message edited by: Kevin DesLauriers ]
My apologies for asking this question instead of spending more time looking for the download myself.

I was hoping that someone could give me a link to the EJB 2.0 compliant server HF EJB references on page xxiv of their text. I have tried looking for it and may have found it but my Internet is very expensive (100 euros for 12 hours) to get the wrong file for download.

Thank you so much.
I casually read HF over a year. Once I decided that I was going to write the exam my notes took about a month (Charles Lyons Text) and then another month of reviewing my notes and writing practise exams. I would say I spent 2-3 hours per day. I had no previous servlet and jsp experience so everything was new to me.

I hope this helps.