ambar patil

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since Nov 29, 2005
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15 years ago
I also prefer Service company as here you get client interaction,onsite,work on latest tech,scope of change any time in your profile & work environment.At 5 + I think if you join product company there will be role of just coding but If I join service company then there can be multiple roles to play.
But sometimes I doubt my decision as product development is R&D & innovation
15 years ago
What you prefer to work on the service or product company in j2ee after 5+ experience in India?
15 years ago
I have 5+ yr of exp in Java/J2ee & looking for a job in pune.
Can someone suggest what are the good companies(service) in this technology in Pune ?
15 years ago
I am generating table dynamically and in each table I have reference to a list like these :
<input type="text" name="list[2].name" value="C"> -

<input type="text" name="list[3].name" value="C"> -

<input type="text" name="list[4].name" value="C"> -

here I am using index reference while assigning it to HTML.
But when I submit it, it gives error :
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet ActionServlet threw exception
at org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtilsBean.getIndexedProperty(

at org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtilsBean.getIndexedProperty(

Please Help is this is not possible in Struts to map indexed element ?
15 years ago
How can I map a List of Object to a Table of fields (Dynamic & Editable) in Struts 1.x ?
so that there will be x no of tables equal to size of list.(Dynamic)
And there will be a corresponding binding between object's field & any of table field's.
for example : there will be n no. of tables depending upon the Passenger list and each table will be map Passenger object, that is editable.

15 years ago
yes, it means Software.Some of the tools/Software are of great help & that makes life easier .

- OracleXpress : for using lightweight oracle database on your machine during development phase.
- Eclipse Plugin for Hibernate code generation etc.
- StarUML for Design.
-Continumm for Build process.
-we may not be aware of all such tool & plugins which helps in each phase of software development, so sharing that will be helpful.
15 years ago
What are the tools/sf that you use in project?
15 years ago
What are the different tools that you have used from prototype,to design and in implementation in J2ee (Free one)?
Like :
for DB : SQLYog,Toad
for UML/Design : StarUML
etc .
15 years ago
In my present MNC I have seen the role of Senior dev. as a pure coder (even with + 8 yr exp), rest things handled onsite.In which company will I get that sort of role ? like System Analyst or Designer ? Indian or MNC o it depends ? Also because of this I am not considering to join product company.

15 years ago
I want to know about agile.Can you please suggest some good resources online or Free e-books ?
I have 5+ exp in Java/J2ee.In my current job its pure coding.I am looking for a change where I can participate in other role like Analyst,Designer etc.
is it we can only get BA role if you have done MBA ?
Which company can provide that sort of work ?
15 years ago
what are the option for design certification like UML etc ?
Please provide the details & its importance.
15 years ago
BTW after how many yrs of exp. one should opt for PMP ?
15 years ago
I have 5+ yrs of experience on Java/J2ee on both product & services.I want to join new company with enhancement of my role ?
I like to have profile that involves more on Requirement Analysis & Client interaction.In which company or which sort of company , I will get that profile ?
What profile can I expect at 5+ exp ?
15 years ago