Laxmikant Ruikar

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since Nov 29, 2005
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Recent posts by Laxmikant Ruikar

Error StackTrace will be more helpful to resolve this issue...
16 years ago

Check your directory structure properly, and configuration of web.xml file.

Go through URL.

Otherwise run start your tomcat, and check document for deployment of web application.

16 years ago
Have a look on this site
it might helpful for you..
Form bean values are populated as per request parameter values. If its textbox then its request parameter value is "". So its not a null value.

16 years ago
You are creating Excpetion object. You code is not throwing any excpection. So after try block, finally block is executing...

Singleton is a design pattern to create a single(or some numbers) instance of class by keeping constructor of class as private.
16 years ago
Verify that in validate method are you getting value of district? if yes then you are resetting your form values back or your ajax code might resetting the value of district in your form.

16 years ago

Originally posted by anitha vasikarla:
if (templateList != null && !templateList.isEmpty()) {
templateLable = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < templateList.size(); i++) {
Template lableValueset = (Template) templateList.get(i);
if (lableValueset != null) {
LabelValueBean lvb = new LabelValueBean(lableValueset.getTemplateName(),

In this code "LabelValueBean " used what is the use of that one,how it works.

Hi Anitha

LabelVauleBean is bean to represent label-value pairs. It is use to construct <html ptions> elements which have a label to display and corresponding value to return to the server

16 years ago
How do you pass the page no to servlet ? is it by passing as query string such as (something?next=2).

When you click on next button then are you submitting the page with incremented page no value as query string or make use of hidden parameter of the page?

16 years ago
Use regular expression pattern to replace string...

16 years ago
Abhishek, How can session used to track the two different request from different machine ?

Kavitha, you have to persit(or cache) the information of pending request in server side on the basis of user, then you can track which is pending or in process request.

16 years ago
As per you error stack trace, you are not giving fully resolved name of your MyUtlilty class while compiling the code.

Or check path from where are you compiling code.

Specify your command to compile code.


Originally posted by saumil baxi:
I am creating one application in which i dont want to use normal properties file for storing the configuration.

I want to put all my configuration in database and provide an API for fetching the configuration..

Can any one give me some path forward. How should i design my database and API..


Welcome Saumil in Javaranch.

Property file contains key value pairs, the same way you can construct table such as cofing_property in which key and value(s) are columns. But if you would like to use properties as per user (or any other criteria) then you have to add one more column.

Regarding API, I will suggest you to have Helper class which is populate Hashtable or your favorite collection as per table values. And in Helper class you will have getter method to fetch value from collection.

16 years ago