Angela Truce

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since Nov 30, 2005
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Recent posts by Angela Truce

thanks for the replies everyone.

How can the system clocks be out be dozens of minutes? That means it is dependent on the machine or something like that so System.currentTimeMillis is not independent anymore???
18 years ago

Does anyone know if the System.currentTimeMillis() method is universal? i.e say i have a program that records a time using the method and then i send something to another computer say on the other side of the world on the internet and i record the time there. If i take the difference of these 2 times would i get the send time or would the times vary because of the timezones and different OS?

Does anyone know how i can time stamp things? I just want to be able to record the time (preferably in seconds) to send something or the travelling time.

thanks in advance!
18 years ago
thanks, I will give that article a go and let you know if i stumble again.
18 years ago
Sounds a bit all too confusing! I don't know if I am using Jax-RPC, I think I am using SAAJ?

My web service is based on 2 types, the first one is a general call up method where the server is basically a .java file renamed as a .jws file dropped into Tomcat, where the parameters are passed to the server using something like this:

the other uses a MIME multipart based on the Axis SwA sample in the samples folder. The SOAP message and attachment is in an envelope that is sent as a multipart to the server and server sends the modified multipart content back.

I was hoping for a simpler solution like imitating delay using 2 computers hooked up via a router. But I know that this isn't really like a large network as the computers are technically directly connected to each other.
Is there message handling methods for SAAJ?

thanks again, I am new to this and it's very difficult to get my head round all the web service jargon.
18 years ago there any way of testing a web service other than remotely to give more realistic speeds?

18 years ago
thanks. Does it matter if I pass a String or an Object? Is there a speed difference?

18 years ago

I found a way to read the file! yay!

What I did was use the .getInputStream method and put this into the ObjectInputStream. The values were then read using the readObject method and then convert back to string array!

Thanks for the help anyway.
[ August 18, 2006: Message edited by: Angela Truce ]
18 years ago

I have a mime attachment part that contains a file created using ObjectOutputStream. How do I get the file out of the datahandler so that I can use Objectinputstream to read the objects?

[ August 22, 2006: Message edited by: Angela Truce ]
18 years ago

i have found a web site called which allows you upload your web services. I was trying to upload a wsdl file but I realise I will need to change some parts of it for it to work on the internet. I have 2 wsdl files for the same service, one i have written and deployed, the other i copied from the axis localhost in browser.

Could someone indicate what I should change in my wsdl file and which wsdl file to use?

[ August 18, 2006: Message edited by: Angela Truce ]
18 years ago
Thanks, that makes more sense. How do I serialise the data directly? Do I open the text file in the serial class and output to a string array there? then convert it to an object?

18 years ago
I should try and make clear of what I am trying to do. I am running a web server that would like to receive some string input array. What I am tryin to achieve is get the fastest type that will send so thought objects would be a good idea. So I want to get an Object array sent to the server in order for it to be processed.
18 years ago
Gives the following error message:

[ August 22, 2006: Message edited by: Angela Truce ]
18 years ago

I was reading the tutorial and something slightly confused me. It says that "By default, array objects are serializable." So does this mean that a String [] array is automatically serializable? I tried to use a string array but it won't accept it? Do I need to parse it as an object[] array like this?

String[] strArray = new String[] {"aha","yup","i see"};
Object[] objString = (Object[]) strArray;

Or is this cheating?
18 years ago
Much appreciated, such lovely people on here! I will let you know how I get on.
18 years ago

I am trying to output a file to an ObjectOutputStream but I don't know how to do this properly. Does the file need to be binary or can it be a text file?
What is this thing about serialisables? How do I make say a string array serialisable object?
I am very confused... !

thanks in advance.
[ August 15, 2006: Message edited by: Angela Truce ]
18 years ago