Sounds a bit all too confusing! I don't know if I am using Jax-RPC, I think I am using SAAJ?
My web service is based on 2 types, the first one is a general call up method where the server is basically a .java file renamed as a .jws file dropped into Tomcat, where the parameters are passed to the server using something like this:
the other uses a MIME multipart based on the Axis SwA sample in the samples folder. The SOAP message and attachment is in an envelope that is sent as a multipart to the server and server sends the modified multipart content back.
I was hoping for a simpler solution like imitating delay using 2 computers hooked up via a router. But I know that this isn't really like a large network as the computers are technically directly connected to each other.
Is there message handling methods for SAAJ?
thanks again, I am new to this and it's very difficult to get my head round all the web service jargon.