Surya Bharadwaj

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since Nov 30, 2005
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Recent posts by Surya Bharadwaj

Hi Nilesh,
Congrats... nice score.
All the best for future endeavours...

- Surya
18 years ago

The world needs leaders just as much as it needs followers. If you have the opportunity to greatly expand yourself and you are entrepreneurial, go for the money. You can always hire someone with knowledge. Be careful though, the downside of risk is harsh. If you commit and lose, be prepared for a long climb back to the top.

Very well said , Mike. Thats true.
18 years ago
Congrats Tony...
Its an awesome score for SCEA.
Congratulations Srinivas,
Its really great achievement in short span.
best wishes,
Hi Chris,

All the best for the next parts.

Hi Charles,
I have read the contents of the book. It seems the book is pretty organized as per the certification topics. I have just emphasized my glance on the Servlet part. The way the chatpers classified makes the reader or aspirer to feel that they are going in an pre defined and orderly manner without losing the continuity, which is the most important aspect in any of the certification oriented books. Also I have seen, in the sample chapter, the review questions almost following the real pattern and depth.

First of all my hearty congratulations on delivering such a book within a short period of time after becoming an SCWCD. Its a rare achievement. Geeting published your book within 3 years after achieving the certification is a great achievement I think.

I would definetely suggest to the future aspirants. Honestly if I had to go for the SCWCD exam @ this time, I would give a try for it. Definetely to all my friends who are in pursue of SCWCD I would suggest this book as well. All the best and please let us know your future publishings also.

Hi David,
If you look up in the conf directory from your apache installation path, you will find a file 'mime.types.default'. There you can see the list of all mime types which are default. Obviously this JPG does not exist in the list. You cam try by adding 'JPG' to it.
Hope this helps.
18 years ago
Hi all,
We have been using Tomcat 5.0.28 as app sever and Apache mjk as the load balancer. Now we need to handle the database load balancing also. We have Oracle 9.2 as our database. Do you have any idea , how this can be handled in Tomcat?
18 years ago
Congratulations Prathibha...
Its great score and I wish you all the best for your future aspirations.

best wishes,
18 years ago
Good achievement. Keep going on...

I wish you good luck for the next parts and thank you a lot for informing on the promotional offer.

- Surya
Congrats Andreas...
Congratulations Raghu Ram...

Keep going...
All the best...
18 years ago
Congrats Mahesh,
Well done. Its a marvellous achievement...

All the best.

- Surya V
18 years ago
Congratulations Veena,

Good score... and all the best for your part II & III exam.

-Surya V
Hearty Congrats Mahesh,
Its awesome!!! and marvellous achievement...
Well done and all the best for the future endeavours...

-Surya V

18 years ago