paluri chandra

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since Dec 03, 2005
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Recent posts by paluri chandra

hi,i would like to know how to store images in an oracle database using servlet.
I have designed a web based application using jsp,servlets & database as oracle.Now i want to have a search engine that can access tables in my database and retrieve the records.For example the user may perform search using name,emailid,phone number etc.Can we design it using Servlets,Jsp.
Please suggest how to proceed.
Thanks in advance
19 years ago
Hi all,
I have designed a web based application using jsp,servlets & database as oracle.Now i want to have a search engine that can access tables in my database and retrieve the records.For example the user may perform search using name,emailid,phone number etc.Can we design it using Servlets,Jsp.
Please suggest how to proceed.
Thanks in advance
19 years ago
Hi all,
I have designed a web based application using jsp,servlets & database as oracle.Now i want to have a search engine that can access tables in my database and retrieve the records.For example the user may perform search using name,emailid,phone number etc.
Please suggest how to proceed.
19 years ago