Hi guys I need clarify this issue
I am working with the SunFtpClient Class in a project that involve
download file contents from Ftp server on Unix Machine. I create some
Files in notepad, write the content and then I save as UTF-8 encoding.
Next I transfer the file content from my machine to the ftp server
in binary mode. Here everything is Ok. But the problem is right here
I execute this piece of code and kaboom the problem appears. Let�s review
the code and next I specify the problem
The Message.txt Content is the following
One Two Three Four Five Six
The LocalMessage.txt Content is the following
?One Two Three Four Five Six
SomeBody Could Ask What is the problem?
The problem is that although I use UTF-8 in InputStreamreader as the Convert
Encoding ,the BOM bytes are not filtering and I suppose that the ? character in the content of file LocalMessage.txt is the result of those bytes. Why InputStreamReader converter=new InputStreamReader(ftp.get("Message.txt"),"UTF-8"); is not working well
I appreciate your comments