Don Wilde

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since Dec 09, 2005
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Recent posts by Don Wilde

Hi, guys -

I'm revisiting your book and actually doing some real development with RoR this time. It's just amazing how fast the scaffolds get you going.

It's now really trivial to get going using the supported port of rails on FreeBSD 6.2. That's a big improvement over the already-simple ruby+webbrick+mysql+gem+rails install of a year ago.

I've used many different environments for web development, and I have to say that the Rails system combines elegance with rapid development with complete customization.

In truth, I don't have any questions right now, and that's a testament both to Rails as a project and to your writing. Thanks a whole bunch!
17 years ago
Excellent. Yes, every level needs to be covered, although with Spring there seem to be fewer things to get tapped into or broken. Without a large reliance on multi-machine JNI, standard FreeBSD server protection mechanisms seem to be sufficient to protect against everything but the web port and programmer pilot error.

Thanks for your informative site. I am glad to see that you discuss https tunneling. We use it already for our database replication (PHP/MySQL), but haven't gotten far enough to need it in Java/J2EE or Java/Hibernate/Spring.
18 years ago
Does your book address lightweight frameworks like Spring, and, how, in your opinion, does such a combination compare with traditional web authentication methodologies?

We have a lot of investment in PHP-MySQL-Apache dual-auth code, and are transitioning to JBoss/EJB environment but believe that Spring is a better fit for the types of applications/products we develop.

Don Wilde
Network Lynx
18 years ago