Imran Vohra

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since Dec 12, 2005
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Recent posts by Imran Vohra

Please make sure that your folder is in webcontent folder.

If it is not in webcontent folder and you really want to access jsps of other folder, you have to add that new folder entry in this file of Eclipse project

Well, that is the solution if I am using Eclipse.

If I am not using Eclipse what could be the solution, can anyone help me ?

Please change
private String TheName = "default";


private String theName = "default";
Because, java bean property should start with lower case.
13 years ago
I got the solution
It was JRE version issue.
I was executing project with JRE6 and it was giving me the problem.
Once I change it to JRE5, my problem is solved

Thanks for your help

14 years ago
I am sure it's not program problem but some other issue. May be some setting issue. Because the same code is working fine on my peer's machine.
I expect some hint from you that what could be wrong on my machine? Like version mismatch or something like that

14 years ago
I found something else to add.
Its not only about button action thing.
Even I click on textfield, focus is not coming on textfield.
When I click on combo box, its not showing the values it has
But when I take control from key board its working.

So, with mouse there is some problem in accessing controls but I can access easily with key board.

One more thing, it was working fine earlier and stopped working one day when I start my eclipse.

14 years ago
I had created sample application but its working absolutely fine.

14 years ago
Hi I have added JButton in my panel. Further I have added actionlistener for that button as well.
My problem is when I click on the button actionPerformed() method is not called. And if I move to that button using keyboard and press space, at that time actionPerformed() method is called.
I am executing the program from Eclipse. I tried with rebuilding, cleaning option of eclipse
Even I restarted eclipse and my machine but could not get rid of this problem
Can anyone help me out?

14 years ago
My code is really simple and its working fine until I add my new requirement

Simple code exists
  • 1
  • Managed bean with username and password variable and their getters and setters.
  • 2
  • JSF Page with 2 text fields one associated with username and one associated with password

    Its working fine whatever values I enter in browser I can get it from bean
    Now when I am trying to set Username in managed bean method it is not reflected on the screen in text field.
    Am I missing something?
    Do I have to config anything for that?
    15 years ago
    I am new to JSF and started learning from guessNumber example of SUN tutorial.
    I got the idea about navigation rule. I mean how navigation flows from first to second page and so on.
    But, I am not clear how it go to first page.

    This is my index.jsp

    My question is how it go to inputNumber.jsp ? I mean, why it search only for JSP file and not any other file?

    Is it handled by FacesServlet? Or something else?

    15 years ago
    According to me one more option is of creating bat file.
    Write your commands in bat file and it will work as exe file
    15 years ago
    Really good question....
    now I am thinking..why should I have not asked this question?

    Please let us know the answer.

    See, there are no dumb questions !
    Development structure is where you put your java files, html files, all other resources. You will compile java files and .class files will be generated here only

    While, Deployment structure is where you will copy all your resources from development structure which will include .class files and not .java files.

    This is good practice to create both structures as they will help you to maintain the project, but if you are creating simple web-application for testing purpose or so, you can directly start with deployment structure.

    Given links are not working on my machine.
    Can you please confirm those links?

    Make sure that is in your classpath. Which is in {TOMCAT DIRECTORY}/common/lib/ if you are using Tomcat 5.5.

    You will definitely get that information.
    In HFSJ..They want to make questions more difficult..that's why they have not given the number of right answers...Read instructions and other stuff which are given before chapter-I.
