my preference is in Canada, USA, UK, France, Spain or Germany
I'm a little young (I'm 22), I have 3 years of experience in Java and .NET but a great will of professional growth
I'm SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 and SCBCD 5, I have worked with a lot of tecnologies and frameworks of Java and .NET. A little bit of these are Hibernate/NHibernate, Spring/Spring.NET, Ajax4JSF, Atlas, Oracle database, SQL Server, Postgresql, Design Patterns (GOF, Core J2EE and Enterprise Patterns), Testing (JUnit/NUnit, TestNG, Selenium, JMock), SWT/Swing/Windows Forms/Windows Services, Oracle app Server, JBoss, Jetty, Tomcat, BEA Weblogic and so, so, so on...
Actually I'm working as software developer, specialist in JSF/JPA/Spring and ajax. In our current project we are using MyFaces/Tomahawk/Sandbox, ToplinkJPA, SQLJ and ajax with Ajax4JSF.
I have knowledges about eXtreme Programming, RUP and SCRUM (this month I pretend to be a SCRUM master, burn my salary in an oficial Sprint-IT course)
my main objective is to get an internacional experience, maybe I will go to Canada next year to study english (to improve it a little bit) but if I find a job oportunity will be better for me. I'm self-taught, I'm very compromissed with my job and I have a great will to work outside of here.
so if you want talk with me, please send me an e-mail (or add in gtalk) to
[email protected] thanks for attention

[ October 17, 2007: Message edited by: Leonardo Rafaeli ]