abhi gupta

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I think there is no problem with my jsp, as the same code is working fine with tomcat. App is running absolutely fine with it. But now as I am trying to do so in weblogic, I am running into some issues. I want to resolve the same, so that I can get better understanding of the things.
This app can be viewed at : http://www.apunkadialogue.com

Thanks n Regards,
16 years ago
Hi ,

I am still getting the following error :

Compilation of JSP File '/pages/jsp/dialogueList.jsp' failed:

dialogueList.jsp:143:98: This attribute is not recognized.
<logic:greaterThan name="resultSetMovieDetails" property="dialogueListSize" value="<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>">
dialogueList.jsp:172:96: This attribute is not recognized.
<logic:lessEqual name="resultSetMovieDetails" property="dialogueListSize" value="<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>">
dialogueList.jsp:278:98: This attribute is not recognized.
<logic:greaterThan name="resultSetMovieDetails" property="dialogueListSize" value="<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>">

I have changed this "<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>" to
"<%=DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>", but in the error message, I am still getting "". I am not able to undertand this. I have redployed the app several times. Even deleted it and re-installed.

Do I need to do something specific in weblogic.xml for <jsp-descriptor></jsp-descriptor>

Please guide me.

Thanks n Regards,
16 years ago
Thanks for your help Amitji!

With your help, I tried out deploying the app. Launching that app still gave me the same error message. Then I tried out deploying another app. When I accessed the other one, it launches somehow :-)
But when accessing a jsp page I got the following error :

Compilation of JSP File '/pages/jsp/dialogueList.jsp' failed:

dialogueList.jsp:143:98: This attribute is not recognized.
<logic:greaterThan name="resultSetMovieDetails" property="dialogueListSize" value="<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>">
dialogueList.jsp:172:96: This attribute is not recognized.
<logic:lessEqual name="resultSetMovieDetails" property="dialogueListSize" value="<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>">
dialogueList.jsp:278:98: This attribute is not recognized.
<logic:greaterThan name="resultSetMovieDetails" property="dialogueListSize" value="<%="" + DialoguesConstants.PAGE_SIZE%>">

Please provide your guidance.

Thanks n Regards!!
16 years ago
Thanks for your reply!

Please let me know if the content of weblogic.xml should be like this :

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<weblogic-web-app xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

I am working on weblogic server 10.

Thanks n Regards,
16 years ago

Content of my web.xml is as :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"


<display-name>My App</display-name>

<!-- Standard Action Servlet Configuration (with debugging) -->



<!-- Servlet mappings for the app -->


<!-- Standard Action Servlet Mapping -->


<!-- The Usual Welcome File List -->

<!-- Struts Tag Library Descriptors -->






For weblogic.xml, I have placed the code from


In this, I just added one line <context-root>/myApp</context-root>
Previously, I deployed the same app on tomcat and it was working fine. As I am new to weblogic, so I am not having much idea about the changes to be done in weblogic.xml

Your kind help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks n Regards,
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply!

But this doesn't help me.

Now I am getting following error messages while deploying the war file :

Unable to access the selected application.
Exception in AppMerge flows' progression
Exception in AppMerge flows' progression
weblogic.appc failed

Please guide me.

Thanks n Regards,
16 years ago
Thanks for your reply!

I have checked that application is deployed.
Do I need to do some specific settings for deploying war file for struts application?

Thanks n Regards,
Pallavi [My Real Name :-)]
16 years ago

I am new to weblogic. I was trying to deploy my application war file.
When I am clicking on http://localhost:7001/myApp, I am getting the following error :

Error 404--Not Found

From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.

Could you please guide me as what steps should I take to resolve this.

Thanks and Regards!!
16 years ago
Hi Paul,

Thanks! for your quick response.

By 'Status', I mean is there a way by which I can track whether my mails have been sent successfully or not in a specified period of time, say 1 hr.

I can recieve the response from server using "SMTPTransport.getLastServerResponse()", but this would be giving me the response per mail. My requirement is to get a consolidated report from server of all the mails being sent.

16 years ago
I am having a mail sending class which sends the mail using SMTP server. I am sending the mail using the java mail api to connect to smtp server and send it using the method:

transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());

Can you guide me if there is any way in which i can get the report (containing status) of all the mails sent in a period of time. i.e. for example: say in last 1 hour. If there is pointer to code available for it, then it would be great!!
16 years ago
hi Ulf,

Thanks for your response!!

Do you have any idea if there is any way in which i can get the report (containing status) of all the mails sent in a period of time. i.e. for example: say in last 1 hour.


16 years ago
Hi Ulf,

thanks for your quick response.

I am actually sending the mail using the java mail api to connect to smtp server and send it using the method:

transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());

Can you guide me if I can retrieve the response code and response message using the java api method. If there is pointer to code available for it, then it would be great!!

16 years ago

I am having a mail sending class which sends the mail using SMTP server. Can you tell me is there any way i can receive some response code and message to confirm that the mail has been sent successfully by SMTP server?

Any pointers could be helpful.


16 years ago
thanks a lot Jeroen and Henry. i will try some of the options listed by you and get back if i face problem in them.

thanks again!!
18 years ago
So apart from using the JMX, do we have any other way of doing this.

Can we have some scheduler, which would periodically check the particular mail id. If any new mail has come then it would analyze its contents and take corresponding actions?
18 years ago