Kia Phia Ben

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since Dec 16, 2005
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Recent posts by Kia Phia Ben

Hi Somnath Mallick
I think when you input file is folder name. The first you using method isDirectory() and check folder or file, after that, you list all file in folder and change it.

15 years ago
I have problem. When I use class in pl/sql but I do not call method verify(). Please help me. Thanks
15 years ago
Hi Ricky James
I know why result is 0 because in constructor

public Car(int regularPice, int speed, String colour) {
this.regularPrice = regularPrice;
this.colour = colour;
this.speed = speed;
this.regularPrice = regularPrice;
You assign this.regularPrice = regularPrice(value of this not value of parameter)
parameter is name regularPice.
I think regularPice not equal regularPrice and you miss 'r' in name of parameter.
You can tool so that create constructor and getter/setter.
17 years ago
Hi all
I have problem when I writing my program.
I have two image: A.jpeg and B.jpeg. I do not know what image which have quality highter than other image?
Please tell me how to know quanlity of image with Java.
Thank for help me.
17 years ago
Hi all
When I run my program so that insert a new record in table in database and occur error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001 unique constraint. I using method registerObject of UnitOfWork class. After that I check database and constraint and insert data by sql is OK. What happen. Why I insert data by sql command is OK but when run program not OK.
You can explain for me and can fix error. I using oracle 8.1.7 for windows and oracle toplink workbench 10.1.3
Thank for help me
Hi all
Please tell me why the error
and how to fix this problem. I using Weblogic 8.1 SP4 and oracle 8.1.7 for windows.
I run my program the error print:
Caused by: weblogic.jms.common.TransactionRolledBackException:
at weblogic.jms.backend.BEConsumer.expireTimeout(
at weblogic.jms.backend.BEXATranEntryBlockingConsumer.startRollback(
at weblogic.jms.backend.BEXATranEntry.execute(
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
Thank for help me
18 years ago
Hi all.
Please tell me how to get all process of windows.
Thank for help me
18 years ago
Hi all.
I installed Oracle 8i in windows 2000 advanced server. after that I setup jdk1.4.2.10 and run but had error:
Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread.
Here are environment variables
please tell me how to fix it.
Thanks in advance!!
18 years ago
Hi varungoyal goyal
I think you can create constructor of abstract class when you call it in constructor of subclass
18 years ago
Hi all
Please tell me how to access microsoft word file in Java. Thank for help me
18 years ago
You can using applet.Input data from parameter
18 years ago
Hi all.
Are you using report with Java ? If you used please tell me it.
18 years ago
Hi all.
How to create windows services by Java program?
Thank for help me.
18 years ago
You can using StringTokenizer.
18 years ago