Barry Bassi

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since Dec 20, 2005
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Recent posts by Barry Bassi

Thank you Bert & Kathy! "Head first" books are the best!

18 years ago
Good morning from Ravenna, Italy.

[ September 14, 2006: Message edited by: Barry Bassi ]
18 years ago
Thank you very much!

Coming soon at SCEA forum!

[ September 10, 2006: Message edited by: Barry Bassi ]
18 years ago
Hi Ranchers!
Yesterday I passed the exam with 91%!

Time: 2 months of discontinuous study
Books: HFEJB (it's the best choice for preparing this exam!) + EJB 2.0 Spec (expecially EJB-QL, Bean Provider (and other actors) resposibilities, deployment descriptor, environment) + Whizlabs simulator + Javaranch (unfortunately only as an observer because I have a little free time..).

Score details:

EJB Overview.......................... 100%
Client View of a Session Bean......... 100%
Session Bean Component Contract....... 83%
Session Bean Lifecycle................ 83%
Client View of an Entity.............. 100%
Component Contract for CMP............ 83%
CMP Entity Bean Lifecycle............. 100%
Entity Beans.......................... 100%
EJB-QL................................ 80%
Message-Driven-Bean Component Contract 100%
Transactions.......................... 100%
Exceptions............................ 80%
Enterprise Bean Environment........... 100%
Security Management................... 75%

Thank you very much to all SCBCD Ranchers!

And now ? SCEA or SCJD ? :roll:

18 years ago

18 years ago
Thank you very much for your good advices.

Best regards,

Hi Dhananjaya.

Did you have some J2EE experiences as a developer or architect ?

I've no Java real world experience, I'm going to take SCBCD tomorrow morning and I'm thinking about SCEA as the next step..

Thank you!

Thank you very much Cleuton.
But, for the second step, what is the best choice to make practice with patterns and UML design? In my job I don't use UML and Pattern (nor, unfortunately, Java). Is it useful to take an exam like, for example, 486 before the project assignment?

Hi Ranchers!
Some questions about SCEA preparation (part 1 & 2):

I haven't any real world experience in Java (J2EE/J2SE) developing and design but I'm a SCWCD and I'm studying for the SCBCD 1.3 exam.

What books are the best for the SCEA part 1 preparation?

And for SCEA part 2, is it useful to take a design exam (like IBM 486) before working on the assignment? Are there any books or other tools for the part 2 preparation ?

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much Vidya and Barry!

Hi Ranchers!

Could anyone remind me something about this generics-related warning?
My jdk is j2se 1.5.0_05.

While compiling the following row(option -Xlint).
Note: getJspContext() returns an Object.

ArrayList<MyImage> articlesList = (ArrayList<MyImage> getJspContext().getAttribute("imageList", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

this is the output:

src/it/infomedia/barry/EsempioSimpleTag/taghandlers/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast
found :java.lang.Object
ArrayList<MyImage> articlesList = (ArrayList<MyImage> getJspContext().getAttribute("imageList",PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);


Thank you very much.

Hi all!

What about Sibex study guides for 1z0-007 preparation?


Hi all!
Thank you very much for your advices.

I've decided to study the book before the assignment. I haven't any real world experience in J2SE development and this could be the right way.

Best regards,
Hi Eliot.

"Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide (Exam 310-035 & 310-027) (Paperback) " is for SCJP 1.4 and SCJD 1.4

"SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055)" is for SCJP 5.0. I bought this book for SCJP 5 preparation and if you study it very well, you can pass the exam with a good score.
In the cd included you'll find some useful chapters for preparing SCJD.

A good choice for SCJD 1.5 preparation is "SCJD Exam with J2SE 5" by Adnrew Monkhouse & Terry Camerlengo.

If I were you, I would go for the SCJP 5.0. It's a very tough exam, but J2SE 5 is full of exiting news and passing the exam will give you a great satisfaction for several months

Best regards and good luck for your study.

Hi Varun.
I bought whizlabs for the SCWCD. I think it's a very good product for exam practice, but it can't substitute good study guides like HFSJ.
4 of the 5 whizlabs practice exams and are more difficult than the real exam. The final exam, instead, is quite similar to the real thing.
If you have some real world experiences with Servlet and JSP, I think you can pass the exam with a deep study on the HFSJ book and with a Spec revise.

Best regards and good luck for the exam!
