Anup Srivastava

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since Dec 21, 2005
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Recent posts by Anup Srivastava

ArrayList, vector and all map allocates a default initial memory of 10 objects.
In case of ArrayList, when a request of 11th object comes it increases to 1.5 times of present size ie 10 --> 15 --> 22...
In case of Vector, when a request of 11th object comes it increases to 3 times of present size ie 10 --> 20 --> 40...
In case of Map, when it is .75 (equal to load factor) full object comes it increases to 2.0 times of present size ie 10 --> 15 --> 22...

NOTE :- in case of Vector instead of incretement to double you can define increment size. then it will increase only that no of objects only not Double.

15 years ago
I am facing a small but crucial problem while using imported xsd's.
When i introduce an element and attached to it an attribute in ProcessResponse,and deploy the BPEL,I am unable to take user Input.

ProcessRequest is same.
Process Response has 2 elements.Element1 with type string and Element2 having attribute1.
I am assigning input to element1.
Just a simple assign of receive input to reply output.
But BPEL console shows no text box to receive the input.Surprisingly,if i use anyattribute or any type other than attribute,my bpel console shows user input text box.

I have to use attributes in xsds using ref cursor.If This simple observation of assign activity is solved , i will successfully be able to take user input while using ref cursors.

Waiting For Your Response.
Thank You.
16 years ago
I had put multiple instances of the same portlet[Let us say "Portlet1"]on the same JSF page.Any my portlet does the simple DIVISION operation.It directs the response to an error page displaying the exception occured.[e.g. divide by zero exception]Now when i put multiple instances of the same portlet on the JSF page it starts behaving in a very odd way.The exception occuring in one portlet is now shown in other portlets!!!i.e. for instance a Divide by zero exception on portlet1[Instance one] is shown on any other instance of the same portlet.How to overcome this kindly help me out.
[ July 01, 2008: Message edited by: Anup Srivastava ]
16 years ago
I have written a code to send mails, In that code when i send mails mails are coming properly on Gmail, TCS and yahoo id but on client side its always coming in junk folder(Spam). Can any body guide me how to fix this problem.
There is connection leakage my program in Jboss, How can i moniter them?
[ May 03, 2006: Message edited by: Anup Srivastava ]
i have to assign multiple schedules using Quartz, in a single window, In such a way that by adding a new XML I could start a new Schedulein same window. Although i got a link but its not working.

<a href="</a rel="nofollow">" target="_blank">[/url]

i am at present using following code It only starts first XML and then Quits without executing second one.

org.quartz.plugin.triggHistory.class = org.quartz.plugins.history.LoggingJobHistoryPlugin
org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.class = org.quartz.plugins.xml.JobInitializationPluginMultiple
org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.fileName = jobs2.xml,jobs.xml
org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.overWriteExistingJobs = true
org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.failOnFileNotFound = true
org.quartz.plugin.jobInitializer.scanInterval = 5
When male gets free, he try to update his knowledge or try to involve in communities ( like JR).
When female gets free she is busy with make-up and gossip.
18 years ago
I am trying to perform following operation

function getValue(){
document.form1.brief.value = '<%=briefstr %>';

where "brief" is a hidden variable and "briefstr" is a Java String variable and consists of javascript contents. when javascript inside value closes, that </script> tag closes script in my jsp file and gives javascript Error I need to assign these value onload of body for rest of the cose. How can i handle it?
I am trying to perform following operation

function getValue(){
document.form1.brief.value = '<%=briefstr %>';

where "brief" is a hidden variable and "briefstr" is a Java String variable and consists of javascript contents. when javascript inside value closes, that script tag, closes script in my jsp file and gives javascript Error I need to assign these value onload of body for rest of the cose. How can i handle it?
18 years ago
i want that if the end user give wrong url, then instead of giving 404 error it must display user define page. how can i come to know from request and response objects that the server has thrown 404 error.
18 years ago
How can i avoid 404 error in request and responce object. and forward it to user define page.
18 years ago
I am accessing a webpage through httpUnit. But in that some information is in javaScript file that is included in that page. while accessing the page i am getting src statement ie.

<script language="JavaScript" src="include/jsfiles/homepage/LoginFrm.js"> </script>

How can i get the the content of script file along with other content of page.

Also tell me where i can get some sample example for this purpose.
To get:
x = (classofobjectx)session.getAttribute("nameofattribute");

To print:
18 years ago

Originally posted by Rambo Prasad:
I have uploaded reports from 26 brokerage check out..

Rambjee,this is violating JR policy.
18 years ago