Hi Ranchers,
I am not able to get the <c:if> .. </c:if> tag working.
I have a Context Parameter called IsApplicationInProductionMode.
The idea of having this is to display debugging info or not. If IsApplicationInProductionMode has the value of 'false', I want to display some debugging info.
In one of the error page that catches all Exceptions thrown, I have the following code
<c:if test="${initParam.IsApplicationInProductionMode eq 'false'}" >
Exception on the Server - ${pageContext.exception}
Now the problem is - irrespective of the value in IsApplicationInProductionMode, the debugging info is always displayed.
Ranchers, please let me know if I am missing some thing here.
[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Sandeep Prabhakar ]