Richard Sorhands

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since Dec 23, 2005
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Recent posts by Richard Sorhands

how can I exclude from exportation into a war file, of a web application, a specified type of file (for example microsoft visual sourcesafe "vss" file)?

Thanks a lot!
how can I exclude from exportation into a war file, of a web application, a specified type of file (for example microsoft visual sourcesafe "vss" file)?

Thanks a lot!
I have insert into the project the correct jar...I hope!
In the console Eclipse also write:

Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.

I don't know if it is the problem but I have included the activation.jar and mail.jar! I don't understand..
[ June 09, 2006: Message edited by: Richard Sorhands ]
I read documentation on jdbc connection. For the jre 1.4 I have to use the file ojdbc14.jar. But it's strange that the application that write on the db works, but not the web service!
I would to create a web service (with the Eclipse tool). In my WS I have to connect to a oracle database and insert some record in a table.
I have tried to create a simple application (no WS) connected with JDBC to this database (inserting the ojdbc14.jar into the project) and it works!
I also tried to create a web service connected to my db with ODBC...and it works too!
But if I create a WS with the same code of the "Jdbc application" it doesn't work and the message is:

No suitable driver


-Thanks a lot-
thank eric but this is only a method to communicate from an applet to javascript.
I have to create a new event in the javascript like "onClick" event but mine.

An example of javascript that I want:

<... onMyEvent = "doMyFunction();">

do you understand?
is this possible?
can i create an event?
I have an html page in which is loaded an applet.
in this applet some events are fired. I want to catch these events in the javascript code. How can I do it?

OK, thanks!
18 years ago
what is a wrapper? why I have to use it?
[ May 29, 2006: Message edited by: Richard Sorhands ]
18 years ago
Can I set as a servlet session attribute an object that have not a simple type like int or String?
I want to use the method putValue with a Class "Phone" and i want to get it with a cast of method getValue. Is this possible? If it's not possible can you give me some suggestions?

18 years ago