vandu matcha

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since Dec 28, 2005
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Recent posts by vandu matcha

I am not sure,If I am posting this problem in the right place. I have a problem while uploading a file when it is opened. Open a word document and try to upload the same document , It does not show any exceptions but the file is not being uploaded in the Internet explorer. I am using struts <html:file> tag for the file upload button in my jsp . In my initial anlaysis, observed that the same file upload is working fine in Firefox even tough the file is opened. Is there any file properties I need to set, to make it work on IE too . Right now I am testing for MS word documents. or is it an existing bug with the Internet explorer...I am unable to find any clue on this.

I am not sure,If I am posting this problem in the right place. I have a problem while uploading a file when it is opened. Open a word document and try to upload the same document , It does not show any exceptions but the file is not being uploaded in the Internet explorer. I am using struts <html:file> tag for the file upload button in my jsp . In my initial anlaysis, observed that the same file upload is working fine in Firefox even tough the file is opened. Is there any file properties I need to set, to make it work on IE too . Right now I am testing for MS word documents. or is it an existing bug with the Internet explorer...I am unable to find any clue on this.
15 years ago
I have a problem displaying image on the button tag

[input type="button" value=" [img src='images/arrow.jsp' ] " on click="function1()" / ]

Its not picking up the image value instead it displays whole tag...instead of processing image tag...

any correct way of defining this so that the img tag is processed....
or any other way of displaying an img on the button..

i know that [input type="image" src="path" ]tag is present but it is by default submit after doing the on click funtion it is submitting the form which i dont want to...

Please suggest any other way...
I have a table(CODE_LOOKUP) with 3 columns(CL_ID,CL_RC,CL_DESC)

i wanted to insert a new column taking the max(id)+1

This is the sql query i am trying to insert

values(max(CL_ID)+1, 'Region0', 'Region0');

I couldnot execute the throws me out saying
com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: The name 'CL_ID' is illegal in this context. Only constants, constant expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are illegal.

what is the correct way or Is there any other way i can insert the column into the database...
hi..i too have the same problem..unable to run Ant after unzipping the files
my environment variables are
ANT_HOME = C:\Documents and Settings\srini\Desktop\Vandana\apache-ant-1.6.0
Classpath = %ANT_HOME%\lib\ant-launcher;%ANT_HOME%\bin
javahome is set javahome
i am on windows the apache was written that if we had a problem running ant in xp..then try to download a latest nightfortly build ...its written like this...i didnt understand..
pls help me out ....
18 years ago
no!.. scripting cant be done in tags..
beacause the basic reason for using tags is to eliminate scripting....inorder to develop scriptless jsps..we use tags...hence we cant use scriptlets or scripting code inside a tag..
try an example...with that...u can learn by the container given error more than anything else..
hope this helps
ranchers correct me if i am wrong

just check with the taglib element in the web.xml..
the error given is that no absolute path found in web.xml or in any jar just give a try specifiying
<taglib-location>http:\\..ur abosolute uri here</taglib-location?
in web.xml...and in the jsp page..where you import <%@ taglib uri="coretags" ....%>
so here it checks coretags with the absolute uri you have given in the taglib-location.....
this procedure we generally do for custom tags..but for jstl..once we include the neccessary files..there is no need for this the container does automatically ..looks for its required files just give a try..if it works.....hope i am clear..

Translation means jsp file is translated to java the jsp syntax checks are done.......compilation is next stage the translated java file is compiled for java related errors......
hope this helps..
pls correct me ranchers if i am wrong ...
Single threaded model means single thread multiple instances .....because the main thing in the single thread model is not to support multiple threads....hence single thread....inorder to support multiple requests it may use multiple instances .......Hope it helps to some extent
Congratz..thats a nice score...good job
Congratz...really a good score
hi friends

scored 91% in the exam....all because of the ranchers..HFSJ....SCWCD tool kit.....discussing things help us a lot in gaining knowledge......

my resources for the exam are

SCWCD Tool kit Hanuman Deshmukh,Jignesh
Fredric Esnault notes(thanks fredric for the excellent study notes..its really very good...not an exagaration)
i have not decided the next certification..
mocks....J2ee certificate..jdiscuss..jwebplus enthuware

all the best for all the test takes
thanks once again ranchers
