Khopkar Amarish

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since Dec 29, 2005
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Recent posts by Khopkar Amarish

I've got a bunch of radio buttons on my page, all referring to the same property. The problem is that I don't want them all in the same place vertical or horizontal. The need to be spread all over the page in many places. How do I do this?
18 years ago
I would highly recommend Liferay Portal:

It's got the JSR-168 compliance as well as great look and feel, pluggability, customizablity, administration, portal.

In addition the license is extremely business friendly.
18 years ago
Is anybody familiar with Liferay's project and task portlets?

I'm using Liferay 3.6.1.

It seems like when I add a project and assign people to it that don't have the Project Admin role, when they try to view the Project, it says temporarily unavailable. Then when I give them Project Admin role, they're able to see it. Is there a way to add users to a project that can see it without giving them the Project Admin role?

Also, when I add tasks to the project and assign these tasks to users, when those users use the tasks portlet, they don't see these tasks as assigned to them.

I would really appreciate an explanation of exactly how the project management and task management portlets work.


18 years ago
Does anybody know how you write a validator that validates a field based on another field? What I have is a radio button and a text field. The radio button has 3 options let's say A, B and C. Only if the item B is selected, then I want to validate the text field based on some regular expression criteria.

Is there a way for me to write a Custom Validator to do this 'conditional' validation, or do I need to just do manual validation of the form?

19 years ago
Does anybody know how you write a validator that validates a field based on another field? What I have is a radio button and a text field. The radio button has 3 options let's say A, B and C. Only if the item B is selected, then I want to validate the text field based on some regular expression criteria.

Is there a way for me to write a Custom Validator to do this 'conditional' validation, or do I need to just do manual validation of the form?

19 years ago
I'm actually trying to render a table with a dynamic collection of rows having input fields (each row in the collection has a text and radio button). Ideally, I would map the text fields and radio buttons in this collection to item objects in Collections in my bean.

Is a data table the best way to do this?

19 years ago
I think he means 65.00 days
19 years ago
Hi Guys,

is there a way to retrieve indexed properties in JSF inside of a loop like structure like c:forEach or logic:iterate so that you can use indexed properties for the h: tags in JSF like #{[counter]}

I can't seem to find a way to do this easily

19 years ago

I've looked for this in a lot of places and can't seem to find a solution. I'm trying to do a form with a table that has a dynamic number of rows each with an input radio and input text field which are indexed properties.

Unfortunately I'm on JSP 2.0 and don't currently have the option to switch to 2.1 and upgrade my EL version.

My question is how do you do a for loop or a c:forEach so that these input fields with have a value attribute that is either:

1. indexed like value="#{myBean.values[index].type}"

OR as part of a Collection like

2. c:forEach var='nxt' items='#{myBean.values}'
and then value='#{nxt.type}'

or something to that effect?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

19 years ago