Hiren Dutta

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since Dec 30, 2005
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Recent posts by Hiren Dutta

try to use commandLink or outputlink with the same. It should work
14 years ago
Same can be done ICEFaces Fileupload. If you are using simple JSF try to write JSF taglib to achieve this.
14 years ago
Take a binding of datatable and generate datatable dynamically from server side with desired value .. please google to know hoew to create dynamic datatable .
15 years ago
My Vote will go for JAXB. With a little trick we can save lot of JAXB marshalling and unmarshalling time. JAXB spends most of the time to create JAXB context. We just have to make JAXBContext static final. If you are using multiple JAXBContext, create 1st time and keep in static Hashmap.
15 years ago
If you are trying to open Popup on link click try to use <h: outputLink> instead of <h:commandLink> and use onclick event to open Popup....

<h: outputLink onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com', 'WindowName', 'dependent=yes, menubar=no, toolbar=no'); return false;" value="#">
<h: outputText value="popup" />
</h: outputLink>
15 years ago
Go for Facelet dear... Its having less issuse than Tiles integration.....
15 years ago
If you are trying to open Popup on link click try to use <h: outputLink> instead of <h:commandLink> and use onclick event to open Popup....

<h: outputLink onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com', 'WindowName', 'dependent=yes, menubar=no, toolbar=no'); return false;" value="#">
<h: outputText value="popup" />
</h: outputLink>
15 years ago
I have a same problem... can anyone please suggest..... its very urgent...
16 years ago
Yes..I think Abhijit is right. we can't access the instance variable before instanciate the object. As static variable is the class property we can access it.
I think it will an Runtime error as in runtime itself we will know what is the actual instance.