Gabriel Corvera

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since Jan 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Gabriel Corvera

Hi again Mary and Tom,

My other question is, in what cases you should use agile methods? What happens when a team is already working with a different approach? Is it safe or good to change in the middle of a development process?


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[ November 07, 2006: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]
Hi Mary and Tom,

The question is really simple, is it a book for beginners?


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[ November 07, 2006: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]
I think that's the problem. It is really sorry that it cannot play videos.

17 years ago
Thank you Sas.


I have been trying to develop a video player for the Motorola RAZR V3 (The one with CLDC 1.0 not the newest one) but when I use the VideoControl class the application blows. In fact when I try to use the sample of MMAPI it doesn't work properly when trying to play a video.

Does anyone has been successful doing this or maybe can give some advice of how to make it work?

Thank you,
[ July 11, 2006: Message edited by: Gabriel Corvera ]
17 years ago
I have tested a RAZR phone with the CLCD 1.0 implementation (The new version uses CLCD1.1) and it doesn't support the image capture function.

17 years ago
My guess is that the book will not cover AJAX I think it will use AJAX as a way to show examples. But we should wait for the answer.

If AJAX is not covered on this book from its fundamentals I would like to ask if Sas has any preference for any AJAX book or she can recommend me any book to begin with AJAX.

Thank you,
Hello everybody!

I also have this problem. Do you know where can I find the COMM API for Windows? Sun on its website only has versions for Solaris and Linux.

Best Regards,
18 years ago
saikrishna, thank you for the link.

I found that there is an implementation of the JSR-82 for Windows but it doesn't come from SUN. It is a third party SDK and I think I will use it to develop my code. In fact, there is a webpage that I think is very useful, the webpage is and is the companion website of the book "Bluetooth for Java".

Best regards,
18 years ago

I am trying to build a bluetooth server in Java. The idea is the following: I need a server that has some images and a client that can retrieve the images from the server (like the Bluetooth Example from the Wireless Tookit) the difference is in the server because I need it to run on a PC.

I am trying to use Bluesock but I think there should be another way to work with J2SE and Bluetooth. Does anyone have any idea of how to work with Bluetooth and Java?

I will prefer to use th WDISCOMM stack rather than the Windows BT stack but if there is a good solution for Windows I will work with it.

Thank you very much. I hope this is the correct forum to add my question.

Best regards,

Gabriel Corvera
18 years ago