carl sjostrom

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since Jan 04, 2006
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Recent posts by carl sjostrom

I have a JTable with very large font in it. I am trying to format the text in a cell editor to match the rest of the table.
Looking at Sun's web page for CellEditor makes me think that it just does not support formatting features, so I am thinking that I need to make something fit over the cell (like a JTextField) that has the ability to setFont. Is this the easy, or right way to do this?
17 years ago
It looks to me like you are doing real good, so I don't understand what you are having problems with. Adding two and subtracting one seems so simple, maybe I am missing something?

Also you may want to use code tags to make your code easier to read.

[ March 20, 2007: Message edited by: carl sjostrom ]
17 years ago
>> Any of them sound like something you can do?

No, but I got all day and plenty of google left...

Thanks for giving me a place to start looking and learning.

[ February 07, 2007: Message edited by: carl sjostrom ]
17 years ago
I want to return from a long function if the user presses any key.

This is sort of what my program looks like...

I have been looking in keyEvent, concurrence and threads etc. but it seems
like one should be able to just put in an if statement that asks if a key
has been pressed and then simply call return.

Any ideas on the right way to do this would be most welcome.

[ February 07, 2007: Message edited by: carl sjostrom ]
17 years ago
Okay it works (sort of).
Java is easier than I thought it would be.
And here is my next problem.
My simple program will download the text of a web page and save it to a .txt file, as long as I do not need a password to access the page.
So how do I include my user id and password info to get access to the pages that are password protected?

For now I am trying to get into my Yahoo! mailbox.
Here is what my code looks like so far.

18 years ago
So much help and so little time.
Thanks for all the information, it is more than I expected, it will keep me busy (happy) for a long time. As bad as I am at programming, I just love it more than anything.

thanx again

18 years ago
Every day I use I.E. and go to about 30 web pages and I click "Select All" then "Copy" and then I "Paste Unformatted Text" into my word processor and then I "save as text file" after which I can use C to parse through the text file to get the data I am after.

Needless to say that navigating to 30 pages per day is very tedious, so I would like to write a JAVA program to automate this process for me.

This does not sound like a difficult thing to do but since all I know about JAVA I learned from Starbucks, I will need a little help to know where to get the information I need to start this project.
Any help is appreciated as I have spent hours wandering the Internet without getting any smarter.


18 years ago